The following is my first LD in which I had real control. First off, I fell asleep at 8 pm. I was tired, we had standerdinized testing all week. I've been sick for a while, but its all over now, but I still needed a break from the insomnia. So I took a nap on the sofa and feel asleep. I had a few dreams, but those arn't important. They were about living in an air bubble under water. So at 2.30, I went upstairs to sleep in my room. I feel asleep and dreamt that I was lying on my bed. I suddenly saw a quick flash. "Was that a subliminal message? Am I dreaming?" I tried to do a |<--- Reality Check, but I couldn't move my hands. So I figured I was probabally dreaming and jumped off my roof. I landed on my dad's car. I think he shouted at me, but I havn't heard sound in a dream since I can remember. So thats now on my checklist. But back to the dream, I jumped off the roof again then teleported to the Grand Canyon and jumped. I landed, laughed, and teleported to the Sphinx. It was like that scene from Jumper, with the 360 camera shot. I jumped again. Then I said "I want some sex!" And thats where I lost lucidity. My dream continued my dream, but I can't remember it well. So first of all, was this a WILD, or a DILD? Next, why was there no sex? Lastley, do you think that my LDs will come alot easier from now on? Thanks, as always, -Ben

Thread closed; duplicate in General Lucid Discussion.