• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2008
      inbetween paris & u.s.

      continuous nightmare

      so a few nights ago was one of the worst nights of my life.

      first let me start off, i have had the ability to lucid dream as long as i can remember, although i don't have much control o it, as far as the regularity. they are always quite erratic however i've noticed they happen most often when i'm under stress or something big is changing in my life.

      anyway.. i'd had a similar dream about a week before but it wasn't very vivid. this dream i wasin this sort of hotel and there was a gunman running around killing everyone but specifically trying to kill me. i would keep finding a hiding place, then he would find me and i would just realize i was about to die and give up. then the dream would change, or somehow he was gone but then it would start all over again and i would be running again. anyway this kept going on and finally i became lucid and woke myself up.. but i was absolutely terrified... like i had this eerie feeling that this dream was trying to tell me something.. and i had to pay attention to it.. i woke up seriously believing this man was in my house and couldnt get back to sleep the rest of the night

      anyway the worst part was i just sat there ready to die, didn't try to fight back, didn't take action and i don't know why. usually i don't have nightmares at all and this one i even became lucid.. well at least semi lucid but still couldt change the dream or take any action. i just wondering if anyone has had experiecnes such as this? or ideas why this could happen.

      i started becoming lucid again last night but couldn't even fly.. which is always the first thing i do when i realize i'm dreaming. i just woke myself up instead. i'm afraid i'm losing the ability!! ahhh.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2008
      I sounds like you are just stressing out, and that the negative moods are having a negative impact on your dreams. Remember, what you worry about in a lucid (or regular dream for that matter) is what is most likely going to happen, since you are thinking about it. The best way to get rid of something in a dream is to just distract yourself, find something else to think about, and forget about it.

      If you work on your confidence and dream control, you should be able to learn to remain rational even in these nightmares by reminding yourself it is a dream, and to banish or beat the crap out of, or my personal favorite, befriend, whatever is bothering you If it was me I'd say something crazy like, "HEY! It sounds like you're almost out of ammo, do you want this clip? And do you wanna grab lunch?" Just completely turn it around and see how friendly an aggressive DC can be

      Try these links

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Sep 2008
      inbetween paris & u.s.
      hey thanks for the link. i know that dreams definitely have to do with the emotions one feels in everyday life, but i've often experienced dreams as a sort of escapism from the stress i feel in real life, since i've been able to be lucid most of the time. i guess i will just have to start working on my real life problems before i can fix my dream ones?

      but anyway, i had very pleasant dreams last night so things have been getting better..

      thanks for the advice


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