I sometimes start noticing in dreams that the things that I think about, start happening. Usually I wake up after that, but sometimes I don't.

However, I was inside a big room, I don't remember too much details, i just know that most of it was painted black. It felt like a theater but It didn't have anything similar to it. It simply felt like a theater. So I was thinking about stuff and suddenly, something that I thought about, happened. I didn't wake up, and I went into a higher stage of lucidity. Still, the DC´s didn't know that they were part of my dream. So I told the people around me that I was able to control the things that were happening (I didn't tell them that they were part of a dream) . They started laughing at me, so I told them to look at a wall, it was made out of black marble, and it had golden lines going across, like if they were cracks. I don't know If I said this or just thought it, but I predicted that in some moments, that wall would crumble. Some time passed and nothing happened, so they started laughing again. I just said ¨There it comes, there it comes.¨ and some more seconds went by. The people started laughing again, but I was feeling the force approaching and approaching. Suddenly a huge force broke the wall and started coming inside the room trying to kill us (I don't remember if it was an avalanche of water, or a big piece of metal). The people started shouting, and I just started running to the other side, while still looking at the wall and seeing how it completely crumbled, before I could face forward and keep running. I woke up.