This dream is important to me because it marked the end of a 3 week period when i had little or no recall. Even then all i remembered were mundane details. This was my first interesting dream after the dull spot.

Diamonds are Forever

I'm in a Sci fi grungy city, not like robo cop or anything like that but a city with the feel of mirror's edge. The grungy part was on ground level. In the World, the Catholic church has grabbed hold of power and enforced a rigid martial law. In the World cities were split into districts that were controlled by High Priests. I was in one of the lesser districts on the south side. I was on top of a sky scraper in a pool and on top of the sky scraper with me was a sniper and two gunners watching the ground for trouble. One of the gunners start humming or singing to himself something that was rather cheerful. An old white man in a long black cloak was sitting near us, the High Priest of my district. He had short white hair and was cleanly shaven. He stopped the gunner from humming, pointing towards a high sky scraper, "she doesn't like hearing happiness. That is if she can still hear anymore." The gunner stops humming.

I'm on the ground floor outside on the streets fully clothed. I run into my friend (afro) and his mom. Also three other friends of me and afro, one black 2 white. Afro's mom is a pastor in the World and actual world and in the World she's telling afro and our friends that they have to go to the daily services which in the world last the whole day. I'm lucky and my mom forced me to get a job at some restaraunt or someplace so since I'm working I don't have to go to the daily services.

Somehow we get away and me and the guys are hangin in some sort of hall. I think its part of a church or something. We end up walking into this room thats a cube that one side is about 20 yards long. The walls are brown and on one side is a light brown crucifix that takes up the majority of on of the sides. It's as tall and as wide as the whole wall. On the wall to its right are two huge stanided glass windows, vertically slim rectangles reaching from the floor to the ceiling. On the wall to the left are two giant medeival doors that are studded on the outlining rims. There are hooded monks whose faces are shrouded with the shadows from the hoods. All they're doing is standing there being silent. I'm talking to this girl that I'm supposed to be tight with and she's talking about how her parents wanted her to be a priest but she instead wants to be an artist and that for a while she's been lying to her parents about it to her parents. While she's talking I've been climbing on the crucifix and hanging upside down on one end by my legs. I remember wanting to tell my son(?) that I would want him to have an amazing life changing christian experience. The monks all take off their hoods and it turns out that one of them is actually Mother. I'm not sure what happened but I think that the monks were mad that she was lying to her parents or that I was hanging from a cross or something.

It turns out that the other monks, which are not monks, other than Mother are all mutants (like x-men type mutants except they were projects of the government) and they're five of them and they're are five of us. Turns out that we were mutants also except that we're natural mutants not some science project. I forgot how the fighting got to a certain point but it was a boss battle type thing and I was going against this short asian lady, not thin but not fat, that looked sort of like my friend. She was centuries old but she looked to be in her 20s. Me and her started an intense fight and then I popped out some Lady Deathstryke Claws except darker and she has smaller stubbier versions of these and we're going at it for a long time. At one point one I look over and one of my friends pops out his claws in his pointer ring and pinky finger but he wasn't in this fight. When he does this I have a close to lucid moment of clarity when I think that my friend's claws are a lame version of wolverine. It was between me and her.

With my claws in, I attempted an uppercut but she caught it and I could see her stubby claws as she caught my fist and the blades morphed and twisted as if they were a thick liquid. With this oppurtunity I push her back and extend my claws on both hands and then plunge them into her stomach. We do one of those dramatic pauses and she backs away from my claws and stumbles back to a table next to the crucifix. On the table is a large pile of diamonds. In the World, it is with Diamonds that she is paid but now she looks at them with sad eyes. She picks one up and she says, "You know what I have learned form all these years? You can't do anything with diamonds, all you can do is look at them. They have no use" I make the connection that she is refering to her self as a diamond.

She makes it clear that we are free to go and me and my friends start singing gospel and yelling out "hallelujah!" We run around the room for a couple, jumping around and dancing. The doors aforementioned turn out to be slide doors and they open up and while we celebrate they slowly start to close. I yell for everyone to get out. One of the guys gets out first and I run to the doors holding them open. I get shoved from behind and the rest of my friends spill out behind me. We run down the hall singing praise and what not and everything is the happiest ever. When we get outside we're still singing but I see a black lady from my school in the World and she informs me that I've been drafted to the school swim team. I complain cuz really and in the World I am not a swimmer in the least. She tells me that I"ll only be in some of the small meets.