In real life, my cousin got married a few months ago. In my dream, she and her husband came to my place and said they were having difficulty conceiving and need a surrogate mother. Thinking nothing of it, I said I'd do it. Then suddenly, I was sitting on a sloping patch of grass at the side of a hill and my labor had started. I lied down and tried to breathe as best as I could.
The next "scene", I was in a bedroom with my parents and my labor was continuing. I started breathing as well as I could (no birth coach or classes) and my mother laid a small piece of towel on the bed, so that I could lie on it and it would soak up the blood and not soil the sheets. It was really tiny though, roughly the size of a hand. At that moment, I remember thinking that my mother, having had two Cesarean sections with both her kids, wouldn't know much about giving birth naturally.
While I was still in labor, I realised that the baby wasn't mine and I would have to give it away. I started regretting my choice, because the baby even though having my cousin and brother-in-law as biological parents, was still mine in some way. I would have to see her at every family meeting and know that she would be near me and still I would have to act as though she were just my niece.
I picked up the small towel my mother had placed on the bed and wiped some excess blood. I was bleeding a little. The labor wasn't hurting even though I was prepared for it to really, really hurt.
Then, suddenly, I can see things from outside my body. I am in a helicopter, which is going to land ln a hospital (a really tall shiny black building) and I can hear the pilot giving landing information. I can see the helicopter arriving on the Helipad from the roof. It's very windy.
Next scene, again, I can see what's happening outside. The understanding is that the dream me is in a birthing room, but outside, I can see children playing and waiting for their parents (members of my extended family, waiting in the hospital).
Then, my dream changed focus. Instead the dream being about me and my birth experience, it is about those children. One is wearing blue clothes, and they are just kids being kids, playing. Then they go on an "adventure', at which point I woke up.
Can anyone please help me understand what this means? Thank you!