I'm an 18 year old girl who has never had a boyfriend nevermind sex! I love kids, and I can't wait to have lots of my own, but I don't plan on it anytime in the near future!

Last night I had an odd dream where I was the mother of a 2 year old (I think he was around that age) boy. There was no sign of a father, and I don't know what happened to him/where he was. Anyway, I was in my parents' house (where I live now) and my mom was helping/teaching me how to look after this boy, my son. She was giving me tips. It seemed like I was handling it well. It came naturally. A few random people (some who I haven't spoken to in ages) of all ages were in my house, and when they saw the little boy they asked whose he was. Everyone was shocked when I told them he was mine.

What could this mean? I heard that dreaming of a baby meant that something new or fresh was coming. But, what if nobody believes it's yours? What if there's no sign of a dad?