Ok, so I had a dream a few weeks ago that still confuses me. Especially after something my best friend told me(all will be revealed later on). But because it was a few weeks ago, I don't remember ALL of the details, and I really hope I won't leave out anything important. Also, it is easier for me to write trough my owe eyes, meaning I will write "I see a lamp" instead of "then I saw a lamp", and when I write (like this) those are the general questions I have for whoever is reading this.
Dream start
I am in my bedroom, making my bed. As always, the last thing I place on it is a very dear toy of mine. A stuffed mouse I got when I was was little from a person I don't remember anymore. The toy in general has been ripped apart, and put back together a few times due to my brothers and mine habit of ruining toys. When I reach out for the mouse, I notice there are three of them instead of the one I actually own. The first has some sort of rune on it, the second has it's head almost ripped of the body, and the third has the letter 'R' written on it. At that moment, I have a flashback of writing the letter on the original for some reason, so I assume that is the real one. I take the 'fake' ones and put them on the top of the closet next to my bed, and when I turn around the real one is stuck to a wall. Literally glued onto it. I stare at it for a while, wide eyed, but tell myself not to freak out, non the less. I yank it of the wall and as I'm about to put it back on the bed, I see the fake two are there. Again, I am freaked out, but let it slide once again, and put them back on the closet. I then slowly turn around and see the real one on the wall again. I back away from the bed, very carefully, and start screaming.
Then I wake up, and not wanting to open my eyes, I hear a voice coming from the wall next to my bed. It is a girl's voice and she starts telling me how sorry she is. How she included me in her dream, when she should not have done that. She sounds almost desperate. I open one of my eyes, and instead of the wall that really is in my room, it just goes on and there is a bed where a girl around my age, a bit shorter then me, with purplish hair that ends bellow her shoulders(about the length my hair was when I cut it a while ago, now that I think of it), some red markings on her face and an almost scared expression. At that moment I recall her being in my past dream(i don't remember what she actually did, but she was there), so it suddenly all makes sense. I get out of bed, get ready and go out in some bank like building, to deliver a paper to some important person. Then, a crowd of people come bursting trough the doors. I don't remember what happened next, but what I DO remember is that at that moment my mother came into the room and woke me up! All of that was a dream! Even the waking up and the girl, that was apologizing for dragging me into her dream!
Now, what my best friend told me, is that even tough she is a VERY scientific person, that hardly ever believes something that doesn't have strong evidence, she thinks that I shouldn't exclude the possibility of that girl being a real person. I for one highly doubt that, but it freaked me out. Why would I dream of something like that? On the other hand, if my best friend is right, why did the first dream, the one i was 'dragged into' happening in MY bedroom, and was revolving around a toy, that means a lot to ME? I really wish I could remember what was the girl's role in my first dream. Like this it's just a puzzle missing the center piece.
Can you please tell me what you think? Am I just wondering too much about things that don't matter?
P.s. Ignore my grammar.