i was eating dinner with family. then the girl im in love with (angela)comes in sits down in a chair across the room by the door she doesnt say anything or look at me and is texting (she is in an abusive relationship) then tells me in a text message she has come in from fighting with her fiance and says i always have treated her better and she wants to be with me then she tells me about this guy harassing her named nick. then its odd my whole family is in my house (mom dad best friend ) but im asleep and they dont move like wax figures....im asleep but i dont feel like im alone. i open my eyes and there is a guy standing at the end of my bed he seems evil to me but i cant move. angela wakes up and is scared somehow i know its this nick guy from earlier he touches her and she screams enabling me to move i fight him hitting him over and over but there is no power in my punches he just laughs and he does not get hurt so, i hit him with a heavy object i think maybe a dinner plate. He bleeds from his nose smiles then dissapears. angela seems scared and says i should not have done that and that i have to run .then i notice in the fight i got scratched. we head outside now we are in a ruins or a torn down building of sorts and its foggy then i turn into a werewolf. nick comes back also a werewolf and we fight to the death with axes made from bones. it feels hopless he is overpowering me but somehow he makes a mistake i win the fight and everyone thinks im a hero.i get a call from the president asking me to come back to the army so i join. then my old sqaud from the army shows up. we have been assigned special forces training. we are traversing some sort of land navigation course i stop by my house for a drink. my best friends mom yells at me saying not to drink all the water. then i go back outside to move out with my sqaud but they are gone. my sergeant radios me saying to head north on the river, but i dont have a compass and am lost holding a boat over my head and i keep walking by the same part of the river like im trapped in a loop then i wake up

please any feedback from those who know how to interpret this mess is appreciated dont hesitate to ask me questions i really want to figure this out