Hi there everyone. This has been bothering me for a while. I have a few reocurring locations in my dreams. Meaning, all my dreams take place in at least one of these locations, I cannot remember any dreams taking place outside of these locations except maybe one or two.

When I'm in these locations I'm always alone. There are rarely people in crowds (there's always people in the lines, though.) and I'm never with somebody.

The main location is this carnival. Sometimes I will remember the parking lot/the drive there. It's just like any other road and any parking lot. Might I mention right next to the carnival is a waterpark, but I can't remember any dreams that take place within this waterpark.

Anyways, the part I remember most about the carnival is when I first enter. It is incredibly dimly lit, very horror movie-esqe but I'm not scared. I don't feel any emotion, it seems. I'm just there and that's just the way it is. Anyways, it is just like any other carnival from a quick look but the cheap carnival games have prizes of actual value. Usually merchandise of things I am currently interested in. Almost always run by some shady guy. The rides are just carnival rides. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Things start to get a little weird once you keep going through the carnival near the back. I always remember seeing this one older looking street light and a clock (the kind you see on a post on the side of the street). Once you turn the corner there I see this really deserted street. I guess this could be most accurately described as a deserted version of Main Street USA from Disneyworld.

There are two rides on 'Main Street'. Tower of Terror and Space Mountain. Tower of Terror isn't actually the ride from Disney, though. It's just this eerie building with a normal elevator. The only dream I remember taking place within "Tower of Terror" I was being chased by two sketchy looking men. Space Mountain does not look anything like the actual ride. When you go inside it is just this average looking waiting line. Well, it's still dimly lit, and there is lots of dark colors, but it just looks like a normal wait line for a ride. Every time I enter this ride, I never actually wait in line. I always sneak on the ride.

The ride, or all I can remember from the ride, is a small drop going down a tunnel of green lights. After that I usually wake up, or in my dream I suddenly end up in this mall/theater. It is extremely futuristic and very harshly lit. Everything is white. There are shops, a large auditorium, and even a roller coaster that goes from floor to floor. The strangest part of this mall, though, is that if i'm in it long enough in my dream, I will discover creepy/interesting things in it. Usually it will be this narrow, dark, staircase. It is incredibly narrow and gets darker as I go. Interestingly enough, instead of going DOWN the staircase, I'm climbing up it. In the middle of the staircase is when I usually stop to check out this door with a large padlock on it. I can never remember how I get past the padlock but I'll open the door. Inside of it is just this room. The desk is cluttered with paper work and it is incredibly dusty and completely void of people.

During my little adventure up the staircase I feel like I'm snooping, doing something I'm not supposed to be.

I can never just be in this "mall". I always have to get to it from going on that ride.

So um, that's the carnival.

Another location I dream in is another mall. This one isn't as interesting as the one connected to the ride. It is a dark, abandoned mall. It is HUGE too. Most of the stores are closed with an exception to a few. The ones I remember are a store that resembles Build-A-Bear, but with wood dolls, a store filled with a bunch of useless junk, a store that resembles Ikea mixed with JCPenny or something, and a store filled with fur coats.
That's pretty much it for the mall.
Oh, whenever I look out a window it's always snowing.

Connected to said mall is a convention center filled with things I'm currently interested in too.

Um...that's it! Sorry if It's a lot. If you need any more information, though, I'm happy to share.