I had a dream last night. I woke up with my hair standing on end feeling very strange like someone was close by watching me.

In this dream I had a vision of a band standing in a desert like setting with some mountains behind them I couldn't hear them playing any music like I had them on mute, something or someone in the dream told me to search for diary of horace.

So I typed it into google and watched a video of this song from you tube.

The video starts with a picture of a young man waking up from a dream then an alien ship flying about while the singer is singing "horrace this is your life go out and find yourself a wife". Then it cuts to a picture of the band playing while there is pyramids behind them(mountains in the desert). Then says I will meet a girl on Wednesday who is very small and pretty. I will ask her for a date on thursday and she will say yes and don't be afraid just knock on the door.

I've probably heard this song before on the radio but I've never seen this video and didn't know what the song was called This is freaking me out.
I read the wiki for the song, it was released in august 1979 the year and month I was born in.
The wiki gives this explanation for the song The lyrics describe a week in the life of an oppressed man who nevertheless overcomes his shy nature with the help of "a voice from above."

Here's some personal info about me. I havn't worked for a few years I suffer with depression I stay in most days and I'm very shy around people I'm not so shy I wont talk to people but I'm very introverted.
I have trouble staying a sleep and I dream most nights usually dreams about running or hiding from things. I've had a few dreams about falling lately and other weird dreams.

I'm not sure what to make out of this. Can someone help me understand wtf happened to me.