(Copied from my DJ, entry was from a few days ago)

I was going to jail for some reason. The room was tall and dark, and all of the walls had a sort of orange tinge to them. There was a huge maze in front of me to my left, and a slightly less confusing maze to my front right. The guard caught me staring at the maze and told me "I wouldn't go that way, you'll never find your way out." I nodded and followed him into the smaller maze, and he handcuffed me to the wall. He did something a little ways away, came back, uncuffed me, and walked further. I followed. "Now be a good girl and stay here." The guard said, but didn't cuff me. I waited and saw my first initial and last name (maiden) on a rusted plaque on a door. My fingers brushed it, and I realized I had been here before. He unlocked the door and I went inside, then he locked it up again.

The room was tiny and dirty, if I had laid down I would have barely been able to stretch out. There was trash all over the floor, and a piece of wall at the end (like a giant step) meant to serve as a bed. There was a 12in x 8in viewing window with little wires running through it. The whole thing reminded me more of a place for an insane person (minus the padded walls) than for a criminal. I picked the lock and went further down the easy maze.

Somehow I ended up back at the beginning with the guard. I wandered into the hard maze, just a few feet, but it was so confusing I decided to go back before I couldn't find my way back. "Have fun?" The guard asked. "You'll never find your way out that way." We went through the easy maze again, but he didn't cuff me at all this time. I thought about attacking him and choking him or bashing his head against the concrete, but I don't. We ended up at a different cell, this one was much bigger and had four other girls in it. The guard locked the door and I saw a keychain with some word on it that made me know he was religious. I wondered how his religious beliefs jived with his job. The end of the key snapped off in the lock, so I knew I couldn't pick this one.

There was a ginormous fat girl sitting on the only bed (a real queen-sized bed), and I knew she was the alpha. This whole room was gross too, and all the people looked unwashed and kind of feral except the fat girl. The other girls were crowding around a window, so I went to see what they were looking at. Miniature figures about five inches tall were shooting at each other (they were cowboys). The girls were rooting for one of the figures to shoot the other. He did and won. We were happy about that.

I turned away from the window and the fat girl said some really mean insult to me, and threw a plate full of what looked like red wine at my head. I caught the back of the plate with my fingertips and flipped it around without spilling a drop. I was furious. I noticed a doctor looking guy in the corner making notes on a clipboard. "So she's not a guard or anything, right?" I asked him. He shook his head no. "So you wouldn't be upset if I just took this and chunked it at her head, right?" The man smiled and stood. "We're studying the effect of peer relationships and violent choices on the willingness to repeat those behaviors. Every bad thing you do will make it easier and more likely that you will do a bad thing again. So please do." I threw the plate at the girl and it smashed against her face, her greasy blonde hair dripping wet and her clothes stained. I felt better. I saw a little meter (like at the bottom of a game) click down one block.

It switched to the lobby of the building. The place was nice, the walls were all glass and went up at least 100 stories. There was a ramp leading up to the next level that slowly spiraled around to the top of the building. I walked by check-in and heard a lady say "Excuse me? Excuse me!" and almost stopped until I realized she was talking to a man behind me. I straightened my posture and walked confidently. I was walking up the ramp when I felt these two ladies behind me. They were making me super paranoid, so I let them pass and felt better.

I ended up in a restaurant at the top floor of the building. It was very fancy, and the only place where the walls were an opaque dark blue. Everyone was wearing suits and nice clothing. I bumped into an old man and apologized profusely and helped him up. He said to his wife "Now this is the kind of service they should have here." He turned to me. "I wish there were more people like you here."

I saw a door to the outside roof ramp, but remembered how last time I pretty much got sucked out. I put down the posters I was carrying and carefully opened the door. Again, I almost got sucked out. But being prepared for it I was able to shut the door. I turned back to the restaurant and saw a girl with a full tattoo sleeve and long, black hair. She kind of reminded me of Alexa Vega. I was surprised to see her here.

I saw a warning sign with my face on it flash on a screen, but no one notices that it is me except for the girl. Then it switched back to a video of a group of men, overseers I guess. It took a few seconds, but I saw them as they actually were, a bunch of dogs that were falling asleep.

The girl told me to follow her and jumped out of the tower. I saw her silhouette doing this from far away, and that the tower was build on stilts on an island.

Then I woke up.
The last part of the dream I'm pretty sure I've had before (the maze part and the restaurant part). I'm not sure why I had this dream, it was kind of stressful. When I had it IWL I wasn't stressed, I was optimistic and more on the happy side. If anyone has questions I'd be happy to answer, I just don't know what I'd say. Nothing bad is going on.