I would like some genuine help with this dream as i feel it was very important thank you in advance

The Dream

I was on a bus journey during which i was attacked by a dog that clamped with its jaw on to my neck and knocked me over which was painful once the dog released my neck i felt it for blood but there was none but my neck was wet and covered in dog excrement

i then started to have a seizure type fit that made me fall over and my top lip was spasming so strongly that my false teeth I have a top plate! were being crushed into pieces in my mouth and falling out one by one during my fits i was begging for help from the people around me but they were immune and suspicious to my calls for help the fits kept repeating during which time i was falling of buses as well as being thrown of them on and off different buses trying to get home.

At one point i got back on a bus which had the same conductors on it from an earlier bus who claimed they had tried to give me the correct route of busses to get home but that i refused to continue and insisted on getting off at a bar they were also paying for my ticket with a cheque i had given them to cash which they said they were taking that nobody else would. they seemed to be quite disgenune about what they were saying.

i was in distress and panic through the whole dream it was also one of those dreams where you repeatedly try to wake up but can't

Notes About Me
Male 35
I have had a troubled upbringing and Am a survivor
which means i have had to I operate my life with emotional instinct and intelligence i generally find it easy to read people and their intentions as thats how i learned to survive life i have no formal education
I do Find it hard to trust people in general but if i do trust you i will show the complete honest truth warts and all good and bad i will let you in completely with no boundaries i am very emotional and very loving.

I am the kind of person that will never suffer from a violent attack or anything like that as my instinct gets me out of the situation seconds or minutes just before it happens i have always had that gift.

Significant things that have happened recently that i think may be important!

I recently was dumped by a woman who i am madly in love with it was about 6 weeks ago and the relationship was only about 8 weeks long its actually the shortest relationship i've had most relationships i've had have been 3 to 5 years from the day i met this person i knew this person was my one my soul mate which i had never felt before but i trust my gut and i know myself well
we were similar people with similar backgrounds who both operate with highly tuned emotional instinkt

i threw my self in from day one as i knew what i'd found she unfortunately was flip flopping from the start but i knew that was through fear and assumed she would get over it!
she had emotional grilled me from day one was very fast to get the details of every good bit and bad bit i have i was 100 percent honest from day one taking mental notes of my reaction to everything believe me every micro expression was analysed by her!

suddenly just as her emotional boundaries began to come down and i felt things were going to be ok two days later i was dumped online the reason given was she did not fancy me enough
she then refused to have any face to face contact whatsoever

as i knew this was not even close to the reason i kept pushing for answers for the truth as i knew the reasons given were below her emotional intellect and the reason was deeper

basically the last 6 weeks have been hell as i can't couldn't let go at least without the truth of what happened

Tonight I at last got to the bottom of what had happened and for the first time felt emotional closure and back in control of my life.

but because she had refused to give me any info it had taken me that time to work out what had just happened she has fear of engulfment and fear of emotional intimacy once id worked it out i felt safe and as if i got the bit back of me i felt she had stolen.

and what happens the minute i feel secure I have this dream!

I hope there is someone here with skills to help with this dream id greatly appreciate it