Okay so My dream starts out by me going to work, some of the faces look familiar but I can't put names to any faces besides 3. I remember being at work but the place looked like a regular house. A couple of Co Workers go outside and a car passes by and shoots one and drives off. the person dies and everyone continues normally. this whole time I am standing outside watching everything. The same thing happens again, Someone else goes outside and the car comes back and shoots, I hide and watch the whole thing happen again. A third person goes out (this person I can put a name too) and the same thing happens to her she gets shot. After she gets shot I go inside and me and 2 other coworkers start talking about how horrible it is( i can put a name to one of the persons, that i actually do work with in real life, who dislikes me, the same situation applies in the dream.) Then i just remember walking to a bus stop where i am encountered by 2 heroin addicts, one of them a girl follows me back to my work, Now after the shootings there is a party going on, and i remember one of the persons at the party was related to one of the persons who died and everyone talked about how much they looked alike. The party continues and the girl who followed be back starts to annoy everyone and 3 co workers start talking about how they want to fight. 1 girl starts arguing with the heroin addict(this girl i can put a name too and actually work with) they start to fight, the first girl walks away and a second girl starts to fight the heroin addict, then a third girl comes in and they try to jump her and i stop it and tell them I'm not going to allow them to jump the girl. They start fighting again and someone next to me makes a comment about how its messed up what they are doing to her and i decide to stop the fight and the heroin addict thanks me and goes on her way. Then a guy brings out a pair of cockatiels in a cage and takes them out. The 2 birds start to mate and everyone just stands around and watched them and the owner of the birds started pocking the birds with a stick but they didn't stop and then i woke up!

Is there anyone out there who can analyze this weird trippy dream for me? it was actually very graphic and disturbing and left me wondering about it.