I found this recently when I was sorting through some old papers.

I dreamt I was in Africa with my boyfriend. (Unknown DC)

I have been out in the sun and jump in the river to get cool. A bunch of mosquitos or gnats starts biting me. So I get out and walk along the river some distance.

Then I am at Victoria Falls, the biggest waterfall in the world. I meet a ittle boy and we start talking. He does not want me to go over the falls as it would probably kill me. We walk around and look at the waterfall. Then I walk back up the river and meet my boyfriend.

We get back in the water to have fun and play. At one point I am carried away by the current. I ask for help but The Guy would not help me because it is my problem not his and I have to find my own solution. There are other men around and they tell me to start swimming towards shore because of the waterfall. And there are some others that make fun of me because I am a girl.

I know I cannot make it to shore so I swim towards a sandbar (island?) and am able to get myself out of the water by grabbing onto a rock. The nay-sayers start throwing rocks at me because I am escaping; and, some of the men wave at me to come back to their side of the river. But all of the men are amazed that I was able to get out. I wave at my boyfriend to com over and go exploring. My boyfriend shakes his head and turns around to find a new girlfriend. There is a wizened old man on the sandbar. He looks at me then turns toward land and points. It turns out the sandbar leads to the other side of the river and I can safely get to land.