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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2005

      Strangest dream I've ever had - what does it mean??

      I had a dream a while back that's been nagging at me, and I really am curious as to it's meaning.

      The Background Story: I have a very good friend whom I've had a crush on for several years, and have never gotten up the nerve to tell him. At times I think I'm recieving signs from him that he feels the same about me, but I'm not 100% sure and lack the courage to find out. I see and talk to him every day, and we're excellent friends.

      The Dream: I had this dream that I was in a very old house. It was decorated in a very old style, with lots of dark wood paneling. The wallpaper and upholstery that I saw was all very dark blue - sort of like the sky right before it turns black at night.

      The house was very very large - it was like a Victorian mansion - and I was wandering all through it, attempting to find something (I don't know what). I came across my best friend, cooking shrimp (which she hates) in the kitchen, but she was unable to leave the stove to assist me in my search, so I went onward.

      My search became frantic - I was running through the very large house, trying deperately to find this item, which I thought to be absolutely necessary. I eventually opened the door to the linen closet, and instead of shelves and linens found a swimming pool inside.

      The person that I like came out, dressed in black swim trunks, completely soaked and rather hypothermic, I think, as he was shivering, his teeth were chattering, and he was turning a little blue. Compeley ignorant fo that, I asked if he would assist me in my search. He grew until he was ten feet tall, pulled a handgun out of nowehere, shot me, and then agreed very nicely (as though he hadn't just shot me) to help.

      Does anyone know what this might mean? I'm so very confused!
      "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

      -Sarah Williams

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005

      Re: Strangest dream I've ever had - what does it mean??

      Originally posted by Laire Blackthorn
      I had a dream a while back that's been nagging at me, and I really am curious as to it's meaning.

      The Background Story: I have a very good friend whom I've had a crush on for several years, and have never gotten up the nerve to tell him. At times I think I'm recieving signs from him that he feels the same about me, but I'm not 100% sure and lack the courage to find out. I see and talk to him every day, and we're excellent friends.

      The Dream: I had this dream that I was in a very old house. It was decorated in a very old style, with lots of dark wood paneling. The wallpaper and upholstery that I saw was all very dark blue - sort of like the sky right before it turns black at night.

      The house was very very large - it was like a Victorian mansion - and I was wandering all through it, attempting to find something (I don't know what). I came across my best friend, cooking shrimp (which she hates) in the kitchen, but she was unable to leave the stove to assist me in my search, so I went onward.

      My search became frantic - I was running through the very large house, trying deperately to find this item, which I thought to be absolutely necessary. I eventually opened the door to the linen closet, and instead of shelves and linens found a swimming pool inside.

      The person that I like came out, dressed in black swim trunks, completely soaked and rather hypothermic, I think, as he was shivering, his teeth were chattering, and he was turning a little blue. Compeley ignorant fo that, I asked if he would assist me in my search. He grew until he was ten feet tall, pulled a handgun out of nowehere, shot me, and then agreed very nicely (as though he hadn't just shot me) to help.

      Does anyone know what this might mean? I'm so very confused!
      Looking for something, trying to go back somewhere... all such things that make us go in circles in our dreams, that make us go backwards -- all that we must learn to disregard. Anytime in a dream if we notice we are missing something or somebody, then, FINE, we don't really need it, do we? This is our Higher Mind preparing us for eventual Death. Going back to Life and the things of our Life would be the natural impulse of newly deceased souls. These dreams of lost objects are our lessons in this regard. We must learn and habituate ourselves into never going back. To be satisfied with just ourselves. Let us not haunt the past, but move forward in a Free Nakedness toward our future.

      Now, the room that opened up onto the freezing pool and that young man. Water is Emotionality and Subjectivity. This young man is mostly out of your imagination. He is blown all out of proportions. This 'crush', this delusion is even harmful to you. It is perfectly willing to help you waste your time running around in circles looking for something that you don't even have a name for.

      Anyway, learn to walk away from these things. if anything is important, it will come to you. For instance, I had one dream in which I was to go to a meeting. When I looked around, I was amidst a great number of identical Office Buildings. So I said to myself, "Well, screw it then." and as I was deciding how I would then fill my suddenly very open calendar, a young lady approached me and said, "Why Messeur Volont, it is so pleasant to run into you... but aren't you going to be late for your meeting unless you get a move on it". And she cocked her head toward a building just across the way. I said, "The pleasure is all mine, young Lady", and went to my meeting.

      So, you don't waste your time looking for things from your past -- from the Victorian Age. Move forward and your dreams will provide.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Sep 2005
      Thank you very much for your help!

      It's nice to finally know what that dream meant - it was nagging at me!

      There are still two things that I'm wondering about - my one friend cooking in the kitchen, and my other friend shooting me. Do either of these mean anything?

      Again, thank you for your help.
      "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

      -Sarah Williams

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      US of A
      The boy growing into a giant to me represents a large, dominating part or decision in your waking life(Apprehension at this realationship of yours.). Him shooting you, I'm not so sure about, thats probably something you should interpret.
      Whats better than complete freedom from laws, both judicial and physical?

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Originally posted by Laire Blackthorn
      Thank you very much for your help!

      It's nice to finally know what that dream meant - it was nagging at me!

      There are still two things that I'm wondering about - my one friend cooking in the kitchen, and my other friend shooting me. Do either of these mean anything?

      Again, thank you for your help.
      Your friend cooking shrimp in the kitchen is meant to tell you that your friends have their own emotions (living things from the sea, as 'water' symbolizes heart and emotions) and agenda to work upon... that they are looking for themselves while you are looking for you own self.

      Your boyfriend shooting you was the first manifestation of his willingness to 'help' you. What you were looking for was your True Self. By 'shooting' you, he was freeing you of your Illusion of Body Image Identification.

      In all of our Dream Careers, perhaps the most important point which we each must pass before we can go forward is to die in a dream, and then stay in the dream long enough to come back to life... to realize we had not fully or completely died... and therefore concluding that we cannot die in a dream. This makes us Fearless and is our Initiation into Immortality. Before we die and come back to live again in a Dream, we are only human. But after we die and come back alive, then we become Heros... we become like lesser Gods. So, by shooting you, if you had died and then stayed in the Dream long enough to come back to Life, to realize your Dream Deathlessness, he would have been doing you the greatest of favors.


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