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    Thread: changing colors

    1. #1
      Member goldenarrows's Avatar
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      changing colors

      i had a dream last night that a had some gifts for my friend, one of which was a beautiful necklace. I was in the interior of a house, a long hallway that was somehow jagged or difficult to walk through. I saw my friend and immediately read her mind, (she wasnt thinking very good thoughts.) so i decided to keep the gifts for myself. I put the necklace on and it became transformed. a long cylindrical piece at the middle started changing colors according to my mood , blue, yellow, pink, green etc. I became good at controlling the changes. i dont remember the rest of the dream but i think i was avoiding someone.

      i know the necklace itself has to do with the 5th chakra, will and self-expression.
      any ideas about the changing colors?

      your mind is a chasm of light

    2. #2
      Member Revero's Avatar
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      Hmm, that gives me an idea. Maybe in a lucid dream I can change colors like a chameleon. I'll try it out!
      “The sleep is still in my eyes
      The dream is still in my head
      I heave a sigh and sadly smile
      And lie a while in bed
      I wish that it might come to pass
      Not fade like all my dreams” —Rush

    3. #3
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Re: changing colors

      Originally posted by goldenarrows
      i had a dream last night that a had some gifts for my friend, one of which was a beautiful necklace. I was in the interior of a house, a long hallway that was somehow jagged or difficult to walk through. I saw my friend and immediately read her mind, (she wasnt thinking very good thoughts.) so i decided to keep the gifts for myself. I put the necklace on and it became transformed. a long cylindrical piece at the middle started changing colors according to my mood , blue, yellow, pink, green etc. I became good at controlling the changes. i dont remember the rest of the dream but i think i was avoiding someone.

      i know the necklace itself has to do with the 5th chakra, will and self-expression.
      any ideas about the changing colors?

      That is remarkable!
      When I took a class for abstract art I learned a few things that may help out with this color question.
      There are rules that apply to a persons phyce that they may not be aware of. You can use these to enhance your work.
      There are many, but I will just address the color issue.
      Colors can describe a mood in a painting.

      Yellow -seems to suggest health, good weather, optimism & power.(Yellow -seems to suggest health, good weather, optimism & power.)
      Red - suggests passion, excitement, pageantry, danger or violence
      Blues - can suggest coldness, serenity, restfulness
      Greens - may support hopefulness, immortality, growth, rebirht and spiritual quilities.

      This is ones of my reasonings behind posting all my posts in the shade of green.

      Do you remember your moods that you experianced for each color?

    4. #4
      Member goldenarrows's Avatar
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      i wasnt having mood swings or anything with the changing colors, it was much more subtle than that. almost like the necklace was reacting to the different nuances of my thoughts.

      its not my first dream about a magical item. i had a dream a couple months ago that i had a device that looked kind of like a light meter, and it would tell me the hidden value of anything a pointed it at. i was in an opposite world that had everything this world is missing, and was missing everything this world has. i went to my opposite apartment to get some things i was missing, and the light meter thing told me not to take more than i could give. i realized that the dream was a lesson in equilibrium.

      has anyone else had a dream about a magical object?
      your mind is a chasm of light

    5. #5
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      That is interesting.
      I guess I was a little over zealous about the color thing.

      Have you journaled these things in your dreams?

    6. #6
      Member goldenarrows's Avatar
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      usually, i remember my dreams almost every night so i only write down the ones that really effect me. but ive been thinking lately that it would be interesting pay closer attention to my nightly dream patterns.
      your mind is a chasm of light

    7. #7
      Gus is offline
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      i had to join these forums just to reply to your post

      ok, i dont care if you choose to believe me or not, but i know what i am talking about.

      imagine it like this, every thought carries a different emotion, every emotion carries or corresponds with a different color. I do not know exactly what each color is for each individual, or waht emotion goes along with it, i am sure they are all similar, but as far as i can tell they each are a little bit different.

      i know the necklace itself has to do with the 5th chakra, will and self-expression. [/b]
      im sure that is basically waht is going on, if you have ever heard of a persons aura, that is what you were seeing, your aura reflected back to yourself through the use of this rock.. I myself can see aura's very well if i make the right sub-conscious decisions when i get high, i can literally stand there and see the basic realm that the person's consciousness has chosen to reside in at that time. I know, for myself at least, people concentrating on dreams or that think everything is fake, or that smoke alot of pot or just smoke pot to get high have a light green to dark green aura. People who understand everything, and know that if they just accept it for what it is rather than trying to figure it out, who are basically (to me) enlightened are in the blue color realm. Those who focus on love and relationships between people or focus on hate or anger, or 'negative' energies tend to have a red to dark red aura. Yellow i do not know, but i know that those who accept things by faith tend to be in the purple realm.

      There are two people i have met throughout the course of my life that are able to get out of these zones and have a transcending spiritual experience, one is an avid lucid dreamer (in the green realm), who is so intelligent that he will be able to live the rest of eternity in his own dream fantasy and remember it, and the other is a person who uses acid to help induce a spiritual experience (i do not know him personally, but you have listened to his music i am sure), he is actually on the purple, i think all the way perhaps to the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, where he accepted it by faith, but opened his third eye enough to help keep him spiritually aware of his existence once he gets out of this physical body.

      i dont know how much of that helps you or makes sense, or is even relevant, but if you can find this item again in a lucid dream, learn to use it and perhaps you should look into it, you may very well see the internal struggle that i see during some meditation sessions i have.

      remember though, the blue one is also for having the most natural transcendental experience, the astral projection is easiest to attain by using this 'path'

    8. #8
      Member goldenarrows's Avatar
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      i think youre right about the aura thing. i feel like i should warn you about getting high for spiritual purpose though. i did it every day for about two years, it aided my meditation greatly and i was able to control my surroundings and other people, and sometimes live in the fourth dimension (on the threshold of time) but then i was doing an advanced meditation from the gheranda samhita one day and pushed my body into having an intense kundalini awakening that im still trying to deal with. i had to quit doing all drugs and i cant even take caffeine without my body starting to literally vibrate. i realized that all the progress i made wasn't lasting because i needed a drug to get me there, now i'm starting over again. i'm not saying that any of this is going to happen to you, just really pay attention to what your body is telling you.

      by the way, my aura is purple wtih yellow/gold
      whats yours?
      your mind is a chasm of light

    9. #9
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      This is an interesting topic, but I think it falls more under the category of dream interpretation.

      Moved (with a little shadow left behind)

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."


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