I'm walking along a pier in the middle of a beautiful, electric blue ocean. In the ocean are huge trees (like Banyan trees) with platforms at the bottoms of the trees. At each tree (and there were many, all in a row), on the platforms, are mobs of zombies. I notice my uncle among the zombies, except he is much taller than in real life. Then, I remember being on one of the trees. I am climbing up the branches, happy to be free from the zombies. As I climb the huge branches with my children, I notice that "Hi!" is carved out many many times, in very big letters, all over the branches. I'm resting on a branch, when my son falls into the ocean water. I am surprised he "reincarnates/respawns" and makes it back to me (like a video game). I resume climbing a large branch.

Suddenly, I am no longer on the tree, but descending down a dark stairway! I get to the bottom. I know "The Ring" girl is coming. I am trying to mentally prepare myself. My mom is with me. She arrives, almost as if I summoned her. She is just like the girl in the original movie ("Ringu"), which is odd, since I've only seen the American film. When I see her, I start peeing on her. After peeing on her, she looks angry. She attempts to use her power on me. I am resisting. Then, just like a ghost, she flows into me. I close my eyes and imagine warmth, flowing outward, to combat her coldness. I feel her cold start to seep into my left lung/heart area; it seems like it's a stalemate between her coldness and my warmth. I say "Frosty." I wake up horrified, and also, having to pee really bad.

Thank you for any interpretations.