Hello, there! I'm completely new to LD's and this forums. Hopefully we can all get along! I need some clearance on something. I can't decide what kind of crazy dream I had recently. I'd like to know whether it's a LD or just some plain regular dream. I know about the reality checks and all, but I've never actually gotten round to checking them in a dream. Well, here goes nothing (I hope not):

I'm pretty sure I had a lucid dream the other day. I don't believe I didn't already post this. Now, I'm going to try and tell you this in as much detail from what I can remember. You will find this strange, but its a dream.

Right, as far as I can remember, the dream started with this strange dragon like devil creature. It was sort of like a furry serpent with horns. All I recollect is a battle between the monster. For some reason I cannot explain the creature kept on growing. Eventually it was bigger that the earth. I can see images in my head of it flying away from the planet. As far as the dream is concerned, it is gone. However, at my school, I find a strange egg. If you've ever seen the eggs off Alien you'd know what I mean. Now, it gets really strange here. Someone suggested (I think it could have been a scientist) that it could be some sort of power source. Me, being a random person decided we'd check it, but holding some tweesers (sp?) by it and trying to metally tell it to move them. It did. Then, we were all amazed. We then tried to really put it to the test. We got one of those old fasioned puppets... and I'm sure you can guess where its going... We made the "egg" make the puppet dance. We amazed everyone else in the school in the hall ways, and I think we made it have a "fight" with another puppet. Then, I thought "hey, lets put it on TV and make millions!" but then my dream ended and had to get ready for school.

Hopefully it wasn't real, because then the reality I believe in is... well... deranged. Is there a way of determing if it's a LD after you've had it?

(This was originally posted in www.facepunchstudios.com forums, so it may be out of context somewhat )