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    1. #1
      Radical Dreamer Achievements:
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      A Extremely Odd Reoccuring Dream Theme

      I was wondering if anyone can interpret this reoccuring theme in dreams that have happened several times in my life, espicially resentely.

      This seems extremely weird and I was considering not posting it, but couldn't help but want to know what it means. In these dreams I am female. The earliest I can remember these dreams is about fourth grade. These dreams were seperated by some time though except for this year which it appeared about five times. I only remember two of them.

      The first was where I was in a futuristic domed city. I spoke to some people in a large food court. I left though to some idustrial area. I was walking down some narrow corridor until I reach a dead end and then suddenly the other end caves in and i'm trapped. I call out saying that i'm there for what seemed like five minutes. Then someone helped me out and this is far as I remember.

      The second is where i'm dressed in a very business like suit. For some reason I've been trying to disguise myself as a man while I was a woman because I remember being a man. I decided that it would be easier to just go out as I am. I leave some bathroom area and go to some desk. Theres a woman there who hands me a packet and a pencil and tells me to go to the auditorium. I go to this auditorium and sit in a row close to the stage. There are alot of people there and I take out the packet. All I can remember of the packet is looking at diffrent important political positions and a mutiple choice anwsers for how long you've been in this postion. I bubble in two years as a judge. And thats all for that one.

      This is a really weird reoccuring thing. I wouldn't know why I'd be the opposite sex, not like I would consider it at all or anything like that. My whole life i've had very bad dream recall. I normally wake up and not remember anything. I do remember about thirty dreams of the top of my head though, which usually happened as a kid. If anyone can interpret this I'd be glad. Thanks again.

    2. #2
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      For a man to appear as a woman in a dream indicates a creative and sympathetic spirit, particularly if the woman is pretty. Also, more can be discerned if one is able to see one's self in a mirror, that is, to see what one's womanly appearance indicates. Voluptuousness would indicate sensuality and emotional fecundity, whereas a trimmer neater appearance would indicate creativity more in the mental sphere.

      Being a man is more indicative of possible conflicts.

      I have a feeling that our Dream Archetypes may adhere to sexual roles that root back to ancient usages. We can see that in many primitive cultures that men largely do nothing... well, nothing useful -- drink, play cards, gamble, smoke cigerettes and screw around. Where they are involved in a Household, the relationship is largely predatory, and the women do all of the work, even the very heavy work. Labor is beneath a man, in these cultures. The Masculine Ideal is to be a Warrier, which translates largely into men being thieves, and their only contribution to the household income will accrue only if they come home with a stolen pony, but ordinarily just a chicken that had not formerly belonged to him.

      So, in dreams, not to be a Man is certainly not necessarily a bad thing.

    3. #3
      Radical Dreamer Achievements:
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      Mirror, eh? If only I could control myself, or gain some lucidity. Hopefully the next time I have a dream like this, i'll have learned better dream recall or gained some lucidity. Interesting thoughts though, thanks again.

    4. #4
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      Originally posted by Valvo
      Mirror, eh? If only I could control myself, or gain some lucidity. Hopefully the next time I have a dream like this, i'll have learned better dream recall or gained some lucidity. Interesting thoughts though, thanks again.
      Remember, just a mere thirty years ago people did plenty of Dream Work without even guessing that such a thing as 'lucidity' was even possible. Then, we modified our dream behaviors through exercising suggestion. If we continuously exercise judgments on our dream behaviors -- regretting some actions and hoping for and encouraging others, then eventually the Dreamer's Behavior becomes more in conformance to Waking Expectations.

      Also, the Waking Self and the Dream Mind can enjoy something of a dialogue. the Dream Mind is glad to have its Creations appreciated. Memory equals appreciation. And then if one takes one's Dreams seriously enough to wish for certain elaborations and modifications, then the Dream Mind is glad to accommodate as long as the requirements of Wisdom and Karma are still adhered to. So you suggest to yourself over and over againt that you would like to have a mirror present in the next such dream. And your Dream Mind might figure 'what could it hurt', and a Mirror is written into your next Dream.

    5. #5
      Radical Dreamer Achievements:
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      Leo you must know alot about dream interpretation. I've seen you in almost every topic. Interesting though. I wonder what the dreams themselves mean. I've never been good at dream interpretation. I'm usually far off from what it's supposed to be. Are there any books on dream interpretation that you might know of? IMaybe a library I known might have something related.

    6. #6
      Member kafine's Avatar
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      I've had two dreams in which I was a boy.

      I see it as just One Of Those Things. Loads of random stuff goes on in dreams. It doesn't all have to mean something.

      I was naked in both dreams, and they were both related to sex. It was quite strange, but there was no deeper feeling attached to the dreams so I don't think anything of it. Its a sexual insecurity thing, that's all.

      But if yours aren't like that... I really wouldn't worry about it.

      I've heard people on here talk about men having a womanly subconcious for balance. I don't know how true that is though.
      Roddi i mi galon lán

    7. #7
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      Yeah I've had a few dreams about being a woman in my life too, it may not be a rare thing, possibly underreported. It may be that the sexes are not completely separate.


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