in this dream i am in a school, i have never been to this school before (whenever i dream i am in a school i am always in this school) its the end of the day and we are about to get report cards i remember that i walk down some stairs and i see somebody from my old school and i bump into them and they fall down the stairs, but instead of tryin to help them i keep walkin then i start to walk down this long hallway its alot of people in there,i didnt have a ride to get home because i remeber sayin to myself how am i gonna get home, when i normally have a ride (i dont go to school anymore by the way) but when i get to the end of the hall this white boy turns to me and says "what the hell i look like waitin for a B and a I" he just comes out to nowhere and says it he had on like a suit, cause i remember that he had on a tie, anyway i walk thru the door at the end of the hall and i see 1 of my friends standin out there, so i ask him if he can take me to my aunt house he says aight,thats when i notice that the car he is driving is the same car that i have but the inside of mine is grey and the inside of the dream car was like a purple or marron color then when i get inside of the car i wake up