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    Thread: Old Dreams

    1. #1
      Member ArchAngel's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2005

      Old Dreams

      I used to have nightmares as a child were a giant kat the size of a small home (in hieght) black would walk on the street and shoot hot lazer beams from its eye. every time i would dream taht dream, it would extend some how. Eiter Being that we run. chase or attack it. The last dream i ever had of taht cat was basically this:

      The kat approachs from a distance, closer and closer my home by then we are in teh front yard with water hoses to scream it off, once it destroys the hose. It chases after me do the street toward some autoshops(it was autoshops i remember its allways stuck with me) as i ran down teh street i would uselly go under a bridge and hide when i went under the bridge it became a tunnel which i saw a bright light i always hidd in the same spot a pile of dirt close to teh top of the tunnel/bridge. where i saw a light fade to darkness and everything collapse on me. Once i did have a dream where i tryed to defend my self extensivly against the cat i really dont remember much from that dream. any ideas

      Thanks for your time.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Dear Archangel,

      This motif of Dreams, the Gigantic Cat Dreams, seem to be a comment upon the dangers now facing Civilization. You know, we owe Civilization to the Cat (just as Primitive Man owes its success as a hunter to its partnership with the Dog). You see, Civilization is built upon the Storage of Surplus Foods, and so no Civilization has arisen without solving the problem of food storage. Every Civlization that has sprung up has discovered sealable clay pots which keep out moisture and rodents, and has enlisted cats for keep down the rodent populations from their kitchens, pantries, and also from the fields themselves. In instances where Civilization has reacted against the Cat, as with Medievel Catholic Civilization which came to assign the Cat a position of evil, and actually would systematically kill kats on its Saint John Festival Days, we found that while the problems of Food Storage must have been solved without the Cat, the problem of rodent infestation presented another problem when the Cats were largely eliminated. The Rodents were the vectors for the Plague. The Revenge of the Murdered Cats of Saint John's Day was the depopulation of Europe by a third to a half, which may have introduced the de-stablilization that would overturn Catholic Civilization with consequences from which we are still reeling.

      With that Intro into the subject of Cats in Civilization, we can now interpret your dream of a Gigantic Cat as intending to tell us that some aspect of Civilization has become so exaggerated and distorted that it goes beyond its original utility and has now become a threat. Civilization's Friend, the Cat, is shown no longer just eating the enemy rodents, but now grown to the proportions of Man Eaters. You have anxieties that Civilization, or what we have left of it, is eating its own.

      It indicates a return to a Primitive frame of mind, where I'm sure that primitive dreamers must have dreamt of lions and tigers as threats to life and limb.


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