The title best describes it.
It is reacurring but ggets different every time in a way it is kind of evolving and getting closer to me knowing.

what it is I am not sure All i can tell you is that whatever it is lurks beneath the surface, usually in a bay of some tropical sea.
The last one about 10 minutes go takes place in both summer and winter and for the first time i was looking for it what it is i'm not sure it did take physical form at the end of the dream humanoid but not human it was a wolf in sheeps clothing it looked human from a distance but it looked like something wearing a costume a beast of some sort it had jumped from a tree and we all started to chase it as it ran off. I guess i should elaborate on we.

this one started out with me and someone else not sure who in a boat on the water in the bay scanning the water for something we knew was there there was also a shark swimming around but that did not bother us one big bastard it was great white i do believe but not threatning and then it ended up dead and not sure how all i can say is we knew it was dead.

everything started to get dark the water surface the sky the ground and it started to get solid the boat unable to move and everything starting to panic. I jumped from the boat my partner ran away and i ran towards land, when i got there everything was starting to come from the bush all animals and other people those of us that stood there trying to figure out what was coming, knew no matter what we had to stick together not to seperate man and animal alike i started yelling for everyone to calm down that if we stuck together nothing was going to happen.

Then it jumped from tree and started to run and we all took chase i glanced over my left shoulder than my right and everyone and thing was there right with me all taking chase and as we started to gain it turned and hesitated thats when we made our move i jumped and tackled it but it got away and thats when i knew it was human but something fury under the costume it was wearing like it was trying to blend in confused i stood up and then i awoke and came here trying to get it all down while it was fresh.

I do have a history of weird dream some lucid but only after reacurring dreams i start know im dreaming and i change it it starts out the same but everytime i dream the outcome changes and yes i do have a sleeping disorder not because im afraid to fall asleep but because i don't sleep long and have a hard time getting to sleep and yes i am medicated for it but i wake up alert and fresh no chemical trace left no drowsiness and the dreams began before i started to take something to control my sleep pattern. no dream was ever normal growing up and even now if i was best to describe it i would say i have nightmares but thats all i ever knew and i'm not afraid of them just trying to understand i don't know my subconsiance is telling me something something i gotta confront or deal with but nothing that i am aware of in my life feels that way so i think but there is something under the surface just need to push the right buttons and let the demons come out to play so to speak.

That is it for now long enough for a first post so any questions or comments feel free to ask the more i think of the dream the more the detail in some aspects fade as others become more aware the smaller details overlooked start to be seen.


Goodnight see you in the morning