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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2006

      A Dream of Two Lions

      Ok here is my dream about two lion’s one bad and one good

      First I was in a Vet surgery looking around and then I seen this lion but once it seen me it went crazy. It tried to break out of its cage it was in once the lion broke free an old man runs in and picks up the lion while I was just looking at the lion I did not move or anything I was just worried that is all. After he picked it up the lion went even crazier the lion puts his mouth into the mans head and started to shake it around. I started to run but when the seen me started to run he lot go of the man’s head run after me. (Once I started to run while the place looked like the college, I go to) While I was running down the hall there was a person lying, in the middle of the floor, I did not know why but he started to look like he was going to get up but then step on his hand. The lion ran towards him and stop for a minute then started ripping his guts for no reason. Once the lion was finished he started to run after me, again while I ran to my classroom, every from my own class went into the classroom. I did not see the faces of the students so I do not who was there the face I seen my teacher. When we went into the classroom, there was another lion but somehow this one did not attack us, I do not know if it was a female or male it looks female but someone in my class shouted out “It’s Simba” and Simba sounds like males name. The good lion walked into the hall and started to growl at the other lion then they started to fight it was a long and scary fight because it looked liked the evil one was going to win but the fight went outside in the rain. The good lion won but died soon after the fight and the college decided to bury the lions in a big glass case like the ones you museums. When the glass put into the ground, there was no cover for it was they, dough a big hole, put the glass case in and that was it no covering it the college called it the great battle. Then it went into the future to the same college and well a (person who looks like me it could have been my son, grandchild or I stuck in a time loop I don‘t know). Everything was the same except the burial of the lions there was bones obviously but this is where gets abit crazy from here. There are two mechanical versions of them on top of the glass casein it was like skin or that looked like skin was covering them. One stormy day a bolt of lightning hit, one the lions and it had to be the evil lion. When the lion was hit by lightning, the eyes went pure red and it started to run but then the dream stopped.

      That was it I never had this dream before and I was half-awake during it because I remember waking at the part where I was running down the hall and I was too scared to go back to sleep but I had to, to get sleep I couldn't do anything to stop it. This is probably the only dream that I can remember the most far what I know. There is other ones that can remember just abit but not as much as this is one. I don’t if it means anything or if it has a sign. The main thing i want to know is why the evil lion dies then the good dies shortly after but then the evil lion arose from the dead.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      There are no 'good' lions. Your dream which supposed there to be a good lion only referred to a fictional lion, and even it soon died after its battle with the evil lion. But we see how temporary was the demise of this evil lion which is brought back to life.

      People suppose they can make compromises with Evil... that there is such a thing as Good Evil -- like Republicans belieiving in Good Greed or that Democracy is somehow enlightened because every Majority somehow deserves to enslave and tyrannize over the minorities within their Society. But Evil drawn with a happy face and with all the dimensions of a cartoon are still Evil.

      Lions represent the uncivilized and predatory animal nature. The King of the Jungle. But we should be aspiriing to Civilization now. The Jungle should be well behind us... unless you are a Republican, and then the Jungle is all of the Freedom and Opportunity you can enjoy while devoring and exploiting all your fellow Man.


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