I've recently started keeping a dream journal and already I'm recognizing some patterns. At an average of 2 or 3 dreams remembered per night, I've got 22 dreams so far. In just those dreams, water is present several times, in the form of:

-a beach setting
-a big warehouse partially submerged in water so you had to pole around it in gondolas
-running around in ocean surf finding hermit crabs
-a house on the bank of a lake, swimming around in the lake
-a shallow pool of water that seemed to be part of a waterpark
-an impending flood
-a dream set completely in an underwater complex
-a river and wet riverbank
-an ideal beach/ocean at a resort

Not to mention the fact that water has been present in a lot of my most grand, complex, or memorable dreams. I had a couple of nightmares as a kid revolving around pools, lots of dreams revolving around rivers, a couple of dreams with really intricate plots set on/in the ocean... et cetera.

I live in Houston, so I probably visit Galveston beaches once or twice a year, at maybe 2-3 day stretches. But this can't account for all of this regular dreaming about oceans, can it? I've visited rivers a few times in my life, and lakes maybe a couple times.

I like to swim, I'm not afraid of water, yet it's not a giant part of my life either. What's with all the water dreams?
