In this dream I am getting married in a forest for some reason, and everyone is gathering to take some wedding pictures. Since it's my wedding, I feel surprised when I look down at what I'm wearing and see that I don't have a weding dress on, but regular casual clothes that I wear in my daily life. Another aspect which makes me wonder, is... I'm getting married, but I realize there's no groom. I am standing there alone, only with family members around, about to have a wedding, but there's no one to marry! The stranger thing is, it didn't feel that odd in the dream, it felt like the wedding was supposed to take place without a groom. So, then comes time for the wedding pictures, and I position myself in the middle of my guests. Then, I look around and see a woman in a wedding dress with her groom. At that point I get confused and start to wonder who they are and what are they doing at my wedding. Then I hear my dad say that the bride and groom should stand next to me for the picture, so that we will all be in the middle of the photo. I couldn't uderstand the main theme of this wedding.... it felt like I was getting married to myself! Then after the strange ceremony, everyone present gathered around to eat.... however, since this was taking place in a forrest, there was nowhere to sit, and everyone sat on the ground. Then I notice there is a table, so we all relocate to it. I heard my aunt complaining that I didn't take them to the table sooner and they all had to eat on the ground. I have no idea what this dream could represent, and what relationship I had with the bride and groom that were at my wedding. Also, why did I not have a groom at my own wedding, and why was I not in a wedding dress? I would really like to find out what this dream could be trying to tell me, so if anyone could fill me in, I would highly appreciate it.