Ok i just had the most evil and scary dream of my life!

It began is me at my primary school( im in yr10 now so im 15). Me and my mum where walking home. There were people on motorbikes flying over our heads and crashing. When we got home there was a young man looking through our window. My mum grabbed a big blank of wood and hit him over the back of the head. His head then fell of and rolled along the floor. When it stopped his eyes opened wide and looked at me! He said " Time to die!" in an usually high voice. Then his head kind of melted into blood and disappeared. My mum had vanished and our front door was open, so i went in. The house was very dark even though it was day outside. I tried a light switch but it didn't work. Then i went into the kitchen. The microwave was open and blood was puring out of it! The blood was disappearing through the floor. In the corner of the room there was a doll of a clown. Suddenly it got up and started doing a scary laugh. It ran around me in circles then disappeared through the wall. After that i went upstairs and into my room. At first my room seemed normal but suddenly the TV turned on by itself and made a loud fuzzing noise( if you've watched the ring you'll know what i mean). Then it made a screaming noise and a face appeared. It was the man my mum had beheaded earlier. He looked at me again and said in a deep voice " Down!". After that i went into the bathroom. The bath was full of blood and my friend's little sister was sitting it in with her clothes on. She turned to look at me and she had a manakin face( the supermarket models with clothes on and blank faces). Then my mum walked into the bathroom. She also had a manakin face. I ran past her and back into the kitchen. There was a door that my kitchen doesn't normally have. I opened it and inside were steps leading downwards. I followed them and it let to a large basement. The man my mum had beheaded was there. His head was back on his body and he looked fine. But suddenly his head bent sharply to the right and fell off. His body fell to the ground and his head was floating in the air. His eyes began to bleed. He let out i very high pitched scream and his nouth went really big and ate my face( went black when i went in his mouth). After that it seemed like i was watching his body from a third person( a movie). A river of blood came from one of the walls of the basement and covered his body. Then i woke up suddenly.

This was a very scary dream. The strange thing is that i do have a large stream running under my house. I have also been told we used to have a basement but after the stream came it got rotten and the door leading to it was bricked up. I'm not sure where the door was exactly but i think it was in the kitchen.

Does anyone have any comment son this as it is freaking me out!!!!!!!