Hey everyone

This is my first time posting. Just to say a bit first...My name's Rebecca and I'm a 15 years old girl. I've always had this interest in dreams and what they mean and I'm just starting to think about it more lately.

I had this nightmare a couple weeks ago and thought I'd try and figure out what it could've meant

The first thing I remember is that I was in an old victorian style house. It seemed to be the darkest hour of night and I think it was stormy. Inside the house, there was a very large well. I looked down it and saw that it wasn't really a well at all, but sort of a vertical tunnel, the bottom of which protruded from the cieling of an underground cave. I could see something moving and knew there was some sort of creature down there. Then I found myself down in the cave, and I felt as though I had gone down there to look for something I was desperate to find. Then I remember seeing a very small alcove in the wall that was lined with dark blue stones, with a small opening near the top that was ground level and open to outside. In the alcove there was a man leaning, his head hung, and his wrists were tied with rope, which was attached something near the low ceiling. He looked he was close to death. Then, the next thing I knew, I was in his place, only I was standing upright and looking around. The rope cutting into my wrists and restricting how far I could move my arms felt very real at this point. I tried to turn around and use the ropes to sort of climb and pull myself up the wall, with the intention of climbing out the opening at the top. But the harder I pulled on the ropes, the tighter they seemed around my wrists - it was very painful. But suddenly I got the realization that in order to save my life I had to bear the pain. I eventually made it and crawled through the opening and outside, the ropes suddenly gone. Then the dream shifted - I'm not sure what happened, but suddenly I was inside a black car that was parked outside the victorian house. My wrists were tied up again and tied to something inside the car in the exact same way, but this time a black sort of cord had been used rather than thick rope. It was raining hard. I had a gun with me. There was a man outside the car, he was black and was wearing a hat and black clothing. He also had a gun, and was talking to me through the windows of the car. He wanted me to do something, and told me as soon as I did it he would let me go, but I knew that he would kill me either way. Its really hard to remember what happened at this point but I know that in the end, he was standing in front of the car, and I used the gun to try and shoot him through the windshield. I remember the glass breaking but nothing else.

I woke up from this dream feeling really scared. Another weird but random thing is that later that day my wrist felt a little sore...

sorry it was so long. I'd like to hear you're thoughts about it - what do you think it meant? I've had quite a few morbid and frightening dreams despite being a content person with a good life. Any thoughts?