• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2006

      Quite possibly the most screwed up dream: What does it mean?

      I had a dream last night that went like this (A little background information, I would never join a combat position in the military...you'll get it once you read the dream):

      It started with me in the application room to join the army. I join the army and become a sniper. Then it flashed to me standing in a tundra wasteland in a camp that is reminescent to one of the camps from Star Wars Galaxies (if you ever played the game). It had two tents in it and a stool then near it was a cliff. I had my laptop there with me and my cell phone as well as my Rainbows (A type of sandal). There were a few of us (soldiers) sitting in the camp all dressed in white, snow camoflauge. We had just recieved a new order of sniper rifles that were fully automatic. A few moments later a battle ensues and we were fighting what I think were Russians? Then it ended. A teleporter device came down from the sky and everyone got in it but me and they left without me. Over one of the snow banks two Russian (?) soldiers were coming over towards me. I line up a shot and try shooting the one in front. I shoot him multiple times and see the blood but he doesn't die nor does there seem to be any damage done to him. The second one seems to disappear sometime through this. I run out of ammunition and the front Russian starts talking to me. He says "You can either take off all of your clothes and put all of your things in one pile then procede to piss on them or I will push you over the cliff". So I procede to take off all of my clothes and then I start to think that this guy is going to push me over the cliff regardless. So I break into a run. I was completely naked, but somehow still had pockets. I pull out a Swiss Army Knife and it had a cell phone on it. Somehow I get from the snowy wasteland to a residential area that looks like Pinecrest (A suburb of Miami, a fairly upscale too). I call my father through the Swiss Army Knife Cell Phone and he come and picks me up. Then we go to the army headquarters but I don't go into it we just drive by. Then I'm sitting in a family room telling this story to people. And then I woke up.

      I've never had any dream this screwed up before. Any idea what it means?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      GUNS : Guns have obvious links to strong feelings. They capture moments when we focus our anger and argue intensely. So think back to the day before and see how confrontation featured in your mind.

      When you point a gun you are targeting something and pinpointing it. In dreams there are several unusual meanings of guns. Guns can link to inhibitions which have been focused on by others. They can link to precise arguments that we are pointing out to others so think of debates where you have been trying to highlight something.

      KEY WORDS(Try to spot these quotes in your own feelings - especially think of the day before) :
      - "My inhibitions were obvious"
      - "focusing precisely on... "
      - "I told him precisely"
      - "The focus was concentrated on her"
      - "I got totally blamed"
      - "there was a confrontation"

      Try this page - it deals with guns in dreamshttp://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...eambookgun.html

      Try this page - it deals with guns in dreamshttp://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...amessaygun.html

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      actually guns can be symbols of logic. they symbolise some precise and well targeted argument.

      many dreams seem to link to little incidents the day before. can you think of anything from the day before that nvolves the use of well targeted arguments?

      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...dreamessay.html dream dictionary

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Originally posted by unclesirbob
      actually guns can be symbols of logic. they symbolise some precise and well targeted argument. *

      many dreams seem to link to little incidents the day before. can you think of anything from the day before that nvolves the use of well targeted arguments? *

      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...dreamessay.html dream dictionary
      Actually, I did have an argument with one of my best friends the day before. A little backstory about it, she had broken up with her boyfriend about a year ago and then a few nights ago saw him for the first time since they broke up. They ended up kissing and a bit more. I had told her that I didn't think he was sincere and we got into an argument where both of us had gotten pretty upset over. We eventually settled it and had a happy ending, but yeah, we had argued with a fair bit of emotion in it.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Hi yeldarb

      Well what you write is very interesting. Thats actually helped explain the dream. Each symbol and the general feel of the dream help to build up some symbolic message

      You did have to go "into battle" with your friend and argue your case. One notable thing is that the dream ends up happily so that again captures your emotions. You had the fight with your friend and then sorted things out.

      Knives are symbolic of issues where you get really involved.. that too captures one aspect of this whole situation .. you had to really get into the body of this issue before your friend accepted your point of view.

      BTW I collect dreams that link to reality. I think there is enough in this dream to link it to what you mention. An argument the day before nearly always causes a dream.


      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...essayknife.html KNIVES IN DREAMS

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Thanks for helping me out, I really appreciate it.


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