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    1. #1
      Staring Back At The Dark MelodicRipple's Avatar
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      Jun 2006

      He's come for me.

      Here's a dream that I've recently experienced and would appreciate any opinions or interpretations.

      The dream was set in a familiar place, an old home, which was abandoned about a few years back. For some reason, this is a popular setting for most of my dreams. Anyways, I was just my usual self only equipped with a strange white machine that could hover and fly. Atop this advanced contraption, I'd soar the skies or simply fool around. But there was a truth that had touched upon my acknowledgement. Someone was coming for me. It is not certain how I felt at this point, except perhaps a little anxious, whereas I took refuge in the house. That someone finally arrived and it was a man that could be described as a general, commander, or one of high status. He simply had that aura, one that commands respect and order. I saw him come flying on a similar aerial vehicle as mine. In my room, he steps forth towards me and says, "I've come for you." There's a sense of acceptance in me, and I respond, "I know."

      I had no idea who this man was, nor could I even see his face. Though I think he took me away for a duty of some sort. Otherwise, I'm clueless.

      Any ideas on what this dream could mean?

    2. #2
      Mega Baller jjm121's Avatar
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      May 2006


      possibly in waking life something has been asked of you.
      It sounds to me like you are very accepting of authority no matter who it is (hence the faceless man).

    3. #3
      Member Leia's Avatar
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      I don't know if you're the religious type or anything, but that gave me a thought of God or another higher being. Perhaps "I've come for you" - maybe he meant taking you to heaven?

      That's just a thought that went through my mind. I can't think of anything it would be symbolic for, though.

    4. #4
      Member The Blue Meanie's Avatar
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      Mostly Harmless

      Re: He's come for me.

      Hello there, MelodicRipple.

      This is a really interesting dream... I'd really like to do an interpretation, but, I think maybe a bit of personal information might be of aid. Anything that you feel might be related to the dream,. would be of help.

      This "commander", though, he is interesting. I had a dream myself a while back with a figure similar to that which you describe. I'd be VERY interested in a description of him, what he looked like, was wearing, "felt like" in the dream, etc, etc. He seems like the most important part of the dream, so, anything about him, or possibly connected to him in real life, would be of aid...

    5. #5
      Staring Back At The Dark MelodicRipple's Avatar
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      I can't really recall anything that's been asked of me in my waking life. The only things that come to mind are the ambitions I have for next year. I'm really looking forward to Journalism, and so is a teacher of mine.

      I am indeed religious.This idea crossed my mind as well, and I admit that it's a frightening one. Does that mean I might die soon? I don't think I'm ready for that end. But we'll see.

      Well, I can recall that the man was wearing a uniform. His hair was obviously short because it wasn't long or even prominent. He might have planned to take me to a certain place to fulfill a duty, or then again, simply away somewhere. Though there was a second in the dream where I realized that I was dreaming. That's when I woke up. Like I've mentioned, I was very accepting of his arrival and intent, almost willing.

      There aren't any commanders or generals in my life. However, I do have a friend in the army, and a cousin in the marines, but I never thought of them. I'm quite curious about this character, because I don't know what to think of him. He didn't seem evil, in fact he seemed neutral. It's the presence of white that makes me think that he's more likely a good person. That's all I can say for now.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Oh, good... you are a Team Player.

      Many people hardly have a Dream Persona -- they experience everything third person or as a spectator, and then other people have Primitive Personas -- dream selves with very poor impulse control and shaky moralities. But your Dream Persona is teaming up with Ideal Dream Personas.

      Well, one hardly has to be Religious to infer that it is a great moral and spiritual step forward to be teamed up with a Moral and Spiritual ideal. Many even advanced Dreamers dream for years... for decades... while remaining largely as individuals. This is so unfortunate, in that Dreams are the ultimate expressions of a Collective Consciousness, where one can hardly accrue any benefits unless there is a coming together with other Personas.

      I think you are to be congratulated. I can't help but to suspect that it takes more than the mere Will to join in with Others... that one must not only Choose, but also be Chosen. One must decide to be a Member of the Team, but then one must be able to succeed in the 'Try Outs' -- the Collective Consciousness must find that you have something substantial and positive to contribute.

      You have had your Judgment Day and you have been found Acceptable.

      That Commander is something of a Representative of a Cosmic Christ Archetype -- an Expression of the Consciousness of All Life.

      It is a very mature dream. How old are you?

    7. #7
      Staring Back At The Dark MelodicRipple's Avatar
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      Jun 2006
      Wow, I never really knew what a Team Player was to be honest. What exactly is a Team Player? I am sixteen years old, heading on seventeen.

    8. #8
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Originally posted by MelodicRipple
      I've replied on the forums. I'm a little confused, but what is a Team Player? As of today I'm sixteen years old.
      You see, in most cases people are followers of Lucifer the Proud Angel. They are furiously individualistic. This makes them highly competitive with others. They see nothing wrong with this, of a World of winners and losers, where they want to be the winners while making all others of their fellow men losers. They think it right because it seems fair. But it does make them everyone's Enemy, doesn't it? God's enemy also, as God stands with the Collective.

      so it is that most people dream as individuals. Each his or her own Lucifer. We even have Lucid Dreams speaking in terms of being their own God.

      But you seem to be Spiritually oriented. You align yourself with others. This is sharing, this is community, this is the Love for Others that Christ must have spoke of, without getting sentimental over it.

      And it will give you strength. Christ spoke of the Vine of Christ. In this Vine of Christ all the Leaves are joined with all the Branches to all of the Roots and everything and everyone combine to give strength and sustenance to first the flowers and then the Fruit. those who insist upon their Individuality, in spiritual things, will never be part of such Power and Growth.

      And, what, you are 16. It is good that you are establishing yourself while you are still young. I was up in the air for a long time. For instance, years ago, I had a dream set at the famous Dream Scene -- the Prayer Cave of Elijah the Prophet (perhaps you have seen it. A Cave with coarsely hewn stone walls, black with thousands of years of candle soot, but lit with a great many candles. Anyway, the Prophet Elijah warned me that the Principalities of the Sky were vying for my soul, and as he pointed up, the ceiling of the Cave became transparent, in fact it disappeared, and I saw various dragons circling above in aerial combat. Well, such a dream forced me to contemplate exactly what the nature of Goodness is and what the nature of Evil is. Selfishness, individuality, pride, competitiveness, even Freedom with the way the word is used both religiously and especially politically, as license to dominate and exploit others -- there we have Evil in a nutshell. But Goodness consists in togetherness, community, collectivity, sharing, cooperation -- in joining the Team and being a Team Player.

      The choice is between conquering the World and saving it.

    9. #9
      Staring Back At The Dark MelodicRipple's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Thank you guys for the responses. I appreciate it.


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