this one starts out i am in my house and go outside. So when i get outside i see people standing on a porch in the middle of the yard. I walk over to where they are and they have fishing rods in their hands. I say i want to go fishing to, instead of somebody handing me a rod they gave me a lure on a line. The lure was yellow and green with 2 hooks on it. When i was holding it in my hand somehow the line got tangled in a big knot. Then everybody walks over to a ditch beside my house and throw there lines in the water. But when i get over there everybody has turned into a dog! They were all brown and white like a tiger stripe. They started to talk i dont remember the whole convo, but i remember 1 of them saying "its time to stop actin so nice and stop playing". After that i walk into my backyard, then i see this other dog back there which was a light brown. It walks over towards me and i see a crow bar on the ground. Then for some reason i have this feeling that i should kill this dog. Even though it didnt try to attack me, actually it was looking happy and playful something told me that i had to kill it anyway. So i pick up the crow bar and stab it to death. If somebody can help me i would be thankful.