The Revolutionaries’s War Council

I thought it was just a party. As at most Dream parties, I was floating about the ceiling, showing off my levitation. I committed a bit of a gaffe when I used some little power rays from my hands to shoot down this one big fancy balloon. This quite intelligent and dignified young lady expressed the opinion that it had been rather silly to destroy what had been a really quite lovely balloon. And she was right. I hope my Dream Persona learned a lesson there.

Then the conversation of the party turned toward Revolution. Well, I figured it must have been a Just Revolution and offered my services. They asked what I could possibly do. Well, duh! My levitating apparently gave them no clue. And so I decided to show them something a bit more applicable of my more serious potential. I went just outside and found where a huge mass of rock poked just above the ground, and was intending to use my Power to pull the rock up out of the earth. Then a slight hesitation occurred to me as I thought to myself, ‘you know, you haven’t really tried this before’, but then my Vision saw the dimensions of the boulder and I was able to reach out and surround this huge rock with some kind of an energy field and I just pulled it up and out. And I told those of the party “I could do that with a rock or a freight train”, to demonstrate my Revolutionary Potential.

Then I was utterly amazed when one of the party jumped up with this insane intensity accusing me and dismissing me, saying he had no need of me… that he also had Powers, and to prove so he took up a paper-mache rock and ripped it open. Hardly the same thing.

But then I realized I had inadvertently made an enemy. In showing my Power I had redirected this Little Revolution from whatever target they had formerly had in mind to myself.

You see, while there are sometimes Honest Revolutionaries entirely dedicated to righting wrongs and redressing actual grievances, in many cases, however, Revolution is a Career for those who have Great Maniacal Ambition but absolutely no social or economic connections. The only way they feel they can succeed is to wreck the Establishment and re-establish their own Order. It may wreck 99% of Everything, but they feel they succeed if the end up with more than they started with. They’ll blow down a complete house of cards if they think it will help their hand. They only care about themselves.

So the dream ended with myself putting together something of a Anti-Revolutionary War Council.