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    Thread: Detached Penis

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2006

      Thumbs up

      Good Morning everyone!

      So glad that I found this site, my dreams are always a bit on the weird side..and this one is no exception.
      I'll clarify afterwards.

      Yesterday afternoon I had a dream where I was in a bar meeting up with my ex-boyfriend
      Wrapped in some napkins was a penis, for some reason I got the feeling that it was his fathers penis but then I got to thinking...Umm why would he have his old man's penis??

      Anyways, he slammed the penis down on the table & was like This is it, I've had it!
      I got the vibe that he was really upset & just DONE

      Ok some background. My ex-bf & I have a long history. I'm now 32, I've known him since I was 17.
      We've been off & on for years. Nothing dramatic, just that I suffer (like most people) from bad parenting which has caused me to be a little on the guarded side. Ok ALOT on the guarded side.
      My ex is no angel but he's always been very sweet, very supportive, encouraging, etc etc
      There is a bond between us that can't be explained...we're like Tom & Jerry, Howard & Robin, Peanut Butter & Jelly....you get the point

      I love him & when we're around each other, just hanging out laughing & acting silly with his family, its great!

      I'm wondering if the dream is about our off/on relationship, we really dont talk about that & I have often felt guilty for being so scared to commit to him, I've never explained why I was scared or even told him that I was scared...it was just a subject I didn't wanna touch & whenever he would bring this up...and he was always the one to bring it up...I'd stare at him in shock like a deer in the headlights sorta thing

      Not clear on the deal with his fathers penis LOL his Pops is great, he loves me...his whole family digs me..my whole family digs him

      Maybe the fatherly penis thing could be about the fact that he has felt "fatherly" in a way towards me, not in some kinda molesty way...lol...but in a way that my father never was...just always concerned for me, wanting to know that I'm ok, etc etc

      I'm trying to "rewire" myself, to get to the root of why this is all so frightening to me & I've been telling myself for ages that I have to tell him the truth, he suspects that something happened to me as a kid & he's right...but I always change the subject when he gets too close to the surface

      My biggest fear is that I've run out of chances, that his heart will finally close some day before I have a chance to talk about it...I'm also afraid that even after we talk, he'll just shrug like its nice that I told him....but its far too late either way

      So thats that. I figured I'd come here....most dream sites arent big on detached penises I imagine

      Any thoughts?


    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Quote Originally Posted by BelieveinDreams View Post
      Good Morning everyone!

      So glad that I found this site, my dreams are always a bit on the weird side..and this one is no exception.
      I'll clarify afterwards.

      Yesterday afternoon I had a dream where I was in a bar meeting up with my ex-boyfriend
      Wrapped in some napkins was a penis, for some reason I got the feeling that it was his fathers penis but then I got to thinking...Umm why would he have his old man's penis??

      Anyways, he slammed the penis down on the table & was like This is it, I've had it!
      I got the vibe that he was really upset & just DONE

      Ok some background. My ex-bf & I have a long history. I'm now 32, I've known him since I was 17.
      We've been off & on for years. Nothing dramatic, just that I suffer (like most people) from bad parenting which has caused me to be a little on the guarded side. Ok ALOT on the guarded side.
      My ex is no angel but he's always been very sweet, very supportive, encouraging, etc etc
      There is a bond between us that can't be explained...we're like Tom & Jerry, Howard & Robin, Peanut Butter & Jelly....you get the point

      I love him & when we're around each other, just hanging out laughing & acting silly with his family, its great!

      I'm wondering if the dream is about our off/on relationship, we really dont talk about that & I have often felt guilty for being so scared to commit to him, I've never explained why I was scared or even told him that I was scared...it was just a subject I didn't wanna touch & whenever he would bring this up...and he was always the one to bring it up...I'd stare at him in shock like a deer in the headlights sorta thing

      Not clear on the deal with his fathers penis LOL his Pops is great, he loves me...his whole family digs me..my whole family digs him

      Maybe the fatherly penis thing could be about the fact that he has felt "fatherly" in a way towards me, not in some kinda molesty way...lol...but in a way that my father never was...just always concerned for me, wanting to know that I'm ok, etc etc

      I'm trying to "rewire" myself, to get to the root of why this is all so frightening to me & I've been telling myself for ages that I have to tell him the truth, he suspects that something happened to me as a kid & he's right...but I always change the subject when he gets too close to the surface

      My biggest fear is that I've run out of chances, that his heart will finally close some day before I have a chance to talk about it...I'm also afraid that even after we talk, he'll just shrug like its nice that I told him....but its far too late either way

      So thats that. I figured I'd come here....most dream sites arent big on detached penises I imagine

      Any thoughts?


      The 'father's' Penish has nothing to do with his father. The Penis is Progenerative. The thing is, after all, a reproductive organ.

      And you have come to think of this Penis as being entirely separate from the person. and that person has had enough of your schizophrenia. Sex has got to be an integral part of the package. What have you been doing? Making him beg and apologize.

      If this were his dream and not yours, than you would be identifying as the prototypical castrating b___.

      And if it were he asking about the dream instead of you, I'd tell him to find a new Girl. I'd tell him the old "There's more than one fish in the sea...

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      Pull back those fangs there Leo, I'm not that bad

      Lemme see if I can explain

      No sex is not an intergral part of the package...as far as I'm concerned, there could never be enough sex and I dont make him beg nor apologize...why would I?

      I accept complete & full responsibility for my weirdness, I am not schiz...as far as I know anyways

      The only thing I have been doing lately was trying to reverse the "damage" that I feel I may have inflicted upon him

      Actually I was kinda thinking that with the detached penis that maybe he felt like I took something he loved away from him??? I have deprived him of his manhood? Not sexually speaking but on some other important level?

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Sep 2006

      Ohh come on...no one else has any guesses? Or viewpoints?

      LOL I can't be stuck with Crazy Leo's version of my weird dream

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Quote Originally Posted by BelieveinDreams View Post
      Pull back those fangs there Leo, I'm not that bad

      Lemme see if I can explain

      No sex is not an intergral part of the package...as far as I'm concerned, there could never be enough sex and I dont make him beg nor apologize...why would I?

      I accept complete & full responsibility for my weirdness, I am not schiz...as far as I know anyways

      The only thing I have been doing lately was trying to reverse the "damage" that I feel I may have inflicted upon him

      Actually I was kinda thinking that with the detached penis that maybe he felt like I took something he loved away from him??? I have deprived him of his manhood? Not sexually speaking but on some other important level?
      Hey, if you have a good dream I will give you a good interpretation.

      My explanations for dreams can only focus on the material presented to me for explanation.

      Now put yourself in my place. A girl writes in and says she has a dream of collecting the penises of old boyfriends. Now what would you make of that?

    6. #6
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      It could be just that. Detachment.
      More than likely dreams are interpreted much too literally. We have to remember and recognize the abstract view that it often gives us.
      The penis would very likely be a portion of and relating to a partnership or boyfriend.
      The detached penis may represent the thoughts you are already aware of. I should say fear. Your fear of detachment as a result of not committing.
      The penis being a representation of the literal view of your fear.
      That is the absolute truth.. JK just a guess.

    7. #7
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      Sep 2006
      Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
      Hey, if you have a good dream I will give you a good interpretation.

      My explanations for dreams can only focus on the material presented to me for explanation.

      Now put yourself in my place. A girl writes in and says she has a dream of collecting the penises of old boyfriends. Now what would you make of that?
      uhh ok, I see your point but hey HE detached the penis, HE had it...I was just meeting him (at his insistance it would seem) at the bar

      Dreams are weird either way

      Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
      It could be just that. Detachment.
      More than likely dreams are interpreted much too literally. We have to remember and recognize the abstract view that it often gives us.
      The penis would very likely be a portion of and relating to a partnership or boyfriend.
      The detached penis may represent the thoughts you are already aware of. I should say fear. Your fear of detachment as a result of not committing.
      The penis being a representation of the literal view of your fear.
      That is the absolute truth.. JK just a guess.

      Ok I'm confused, in a way

      I get the whole fear thing...are you saying fear of being attached?

      Or fear of him detaching from me?

    8. #8
      Member PoiznDr33m's Avatar
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      I'm not the best at dream interpretation, but from your first post it almost sounds like you want to be back together with your ex? Or that you want to be less scared of him but maybe the first step to that is admitting you're scared of him? Either way it generally sounds like you have something to tell him but don't know how, my suggestion is to do it in an email or written on a piece of paper so you can better think out everything you wanted to say and won't be so embarassed about telling him. Also, don't worry about him interpretting it as a strange gesture, because you can always just fully explain in the writing why you presented the info as you did.

      I didn't really get any of that from the dream, just what you said after the dream hopefully thats good advice though?
      Its not just smart - its a machine.

    9. #9
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by BelieveinDreams View Post
      uhh ok, I see your point but hey HE detached the penis, HE had it...I was just meeting him (at his insistance it would seem) at the bar

      Dreams are weird either way
      Ok I'm confused, in a way

      I get the whole fear thing...are you saying fear of being attached?

      Or fear of him detaching from me?

      Judging by your comment ---> "I'm wondering if the dream is about our off/on relationship, we really don't talk about that & I have often felt guilty for being so scared to commit to him."
      I am guessing your fear of attachment to him.

    10. #10
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Quote Originally Posted by BelieveinDreams View Post
      uhh ok, I see your point but hey HE detached the penis, HE had it...I was just meeting him (at his insistance it would seem) at the bar

      Dreams are weird either way
      Ok I'm confused, in a way

      I get the whole fear thing...are you saying fear of being attached?

      Or fear of him detaching from me?

      Yes, you have a very good point. Almost every single last man that complains of having been castrated, figuratively speaking, by his significant other, has only himself to blame.

      Relationships have their Political Dynamics. There is Power involved. Who gets the Power? Well, the one who is willing play bluff with the relationship. The one who is willing to say "Do things my way or it is over", that is who has the power.

      And then what do we have in most relationships. We have the Women making these ultimatums and men cringing and giving in to them. It is their own fault.

      Men have gambled. men should know. CALL THE BLUFF! Walk out. If the Woman makes a power play, there is nothing to keep the man from not playing along. "I am sorry but I can't continue to love you under these circumstances of compulsion and duress", and "Don't worry, I can show myself out".

      But men are 'romantic'. They think their love will carry them through after they sacrifice their Dignity and Virility. Well, of course they can't. They learn.

      Indeed, they need to play the game a bit themselves. but here again, men are so romantic that they can't bring themselves to risk a power play of their own. "What if she doesn't cave... what if she doesn't knuckle under... life wouldn't be worth living if Jane were to leave me". Oh, hogwash!

      The more a man loves a woman, the more he should keep just the absolute extent of that love something of a secret. His Relationship will not be a Happy One unless he is willing to set some very inflexable standards and boundaries. The girl has got to understand that there are things more important than she is, even if that is not entirely true.

      Women understand this, and so this is why so often it is the Women who make the rules, women who cut into the manhood and dignity of their men.

      And then these women are not happy. Once they emasculate and castrate their men and make them wear little pink ribboms and dance for their dinner, then ... surprise surprise... they lose all sense of attraction to their men. They no longer find these cleaned, cooked and packaged men sexy and alluring. Hmmmmm, how could that be? It was exactly what they wanted, wasn't it?

      Then they run off with the Motorcycle Gang.

      So, no, the worst thing a man can do is to do exactly what any woman wants. They're not serious. They were only flexing their muscles and taking the Power in the Relationship because the Man didn't. Somebody has to be Boss and if the Guy does not stand up, the girl will. And then she will lose every ounce of respect she ever had for you.

      And then the sex isn't good for anybody.

      There was a girl I knew in college. She began to date Russian Men. Her explanation was that Russian Men could take women or leave them. They didn't care. And she found that 'sexy'. All other men were willing to beg and sacrifice for sex. She had enough insight into her ultimate feelings to know that she wanted nothing to do with any man who would compromise himself for a woman, not even for herself.

      So we come to a Paradox. The man who gets the most love and can keep the most love is the man who is least willing to give love himself, that is, the most willing to walk away.


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