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    Thread: A Jew

    1. #1
      Member Rav1's Avatar
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      I dreamt an old Jew strolling slowly in my direction. He looked quite formidable, a big posture in his black cloths as they usually wear. As he passed me by he was gazing at me seriously, and I felt a bit embarrassed as I didn't know if it was proper to say "good morning" or words to that effect...
      Before I heard a group of people behind me talking that he was their boss or manager and was very demanding and stern.

      What can a Jew mean in a dream? Anybody knows the answer?
      Thank you.
      I'm tired being sorry.

    2. #2
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      Quote Originally Posted by Rav1 View Post
      I dreamt an old Jew strolling slowly in my direction. He looked quite formidable, a big posture in his black cloths as they usually wear. As he passed me by he was gazing at me seriously, and I felt a bit embarrassed as I didn't know if it was proper to say "good morning" or words to that effect...
      Before I heard a group of people behind me talking that he was their boss or manager and was very demanding and stern.

      What can a Jew mean in a dream? Anybody knows the answer?
      Thank you.
      The people in the background were telling you what this Old Jew represented -- a stern boss.

      Now, the meaning of the Dream would consist in how you felt in the presence of a Stern and Demanding Boss.

      Were you intimidated? did you feel as though you could never work for a demanding boss, or did you suppose that you work to high standards anyway and that it would not matter.

      This dream may be indicating that your life is about to make some technically challenges of you. Not emotionally or concerning your family, but career-wise.

      Even if you do not have a demanding boss. Even if things around the shop can ordinarily be a little slack, for your own good, since you have been warned, just pretend for a while that absolute perfection is being demanded of you.

      Who knows, but standards might suddenly get strick and it may be found that you have been the only one working to the new standard.

      But this dream says you will be looked at.

      Just do what you are being paid to do and you should do fine.

    3. #3
      Member Rav1's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
      The people in the background were telling you what this Old Jew represented -- a stern boss.

      Now, the meaning of the Dream would consist in how you felt in the presence of a Stern and Demanding Boss.

      Were you intimidated? did you feel as though you could never work for a demanding boss, or did you suppose that you work to high standards anyway and that it would not matter.

      This dream may be indicating that your life is about to make some technically challenges of you. Not emotionally or concerning your family, but career-wise.

      Even if you do not have a demanding boss. Even if things around the shop can ordinarily be a little slack, for your own good, since you have been warned, just pretend for a while that absolute perfection is being demanded of you.

      Who knows, but standards might suddenly get strick and it may be found that you have been the only one working to the new standard.

      But this dream says you will be looked at.

      Just do what you are being paid to do and you should do fine.
      Yes, it must be some connection with my work anyway.
      Actually I'm preparing myself for some changes in my working area the next week.
      So, in generall, would the dream be a good sign or a bad one, a kind of warning as you said?

      I'm tired being sorry.

    4. #4
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      MANY DREAM SYMBOLS DEFY POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. the meaning here is probably related to your work(it mentioned work) and jews are often associated with money lending and meanness).

      Dreams are often very general in their meaning. They do link to the here and now. Each day we make an assessment of the day before in general. For instance we may say to ourselves "I am sick of people walking all over me and just want to assert myself more". These thoughts will often be the subject of dreams. They maybe hidden in dream symbols but that is what they mean.

      Try the following page to help you understand dream symbols and their various meanings.


      Try the following page to help you understand how to use dream symbols


    5. #5
      SKA is offline
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      Here, Now
      Quote Originally Posted by unclesirbob View Post
      MANY DREAM SYMBOLS DEFY POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. the meaning here is probably related to your work(it mentioned work) and jews are often associated with money lending and meanness). [/b]
      Yeah, by Racists only. I certainly don't associate Jews with Money lending and Meanness. In fact I have lots of jewish family and I couldn't think of people with a bigger heart and so willing to share their house, food, money and everything with other people. No matter how little they have. They'll share their very last Meal with you.

      Quote Originally Posted by unclesirbob View Post
      I dreamt an old Jew strolling slowly in my direction. He looked quite formidable, a big posture in his black cloths as they usually wear. As he passed me by he was gazing at me seriously, and I felt a bit embarrassed as I didn't know if it was proper to say "good morning" or words to that effect...
      Before I heard a group of people behind me talking that he was their boss or manager and was very demanding and stern.

      What can a Jew mean in a dream? Anybody knows the answer?
      Thank you.
      Maybe it was me
      Well I guess the answer to the Question''What does a Chassidic Jew in My dream Mean?'' can only be answered by you yourself.

      If I dream about a Chassidic Jew than PERSONALLY it may have more to do with feelings of ancestral love/unison and ethnic/cultural identity.
      I your case I guess it depends on what you see in Chassidic Jewish people. Maybe you think they're wierd because they're dressed so typically, maybe you personally link a vision of a Chassidic Jew to wisdom/ancient culture...etc Perhaps you saw the VideoClip of Matisyahu's King without a Crown and it made a subconscious impression on you and thus it ended up in your Dream? Well I cannot look into your head, but you can. I guess if anyone knows YOU, it'd have to be YOU yourself.

      The answer lies within yourself. Think of a Chassidic jew right now, try and visualise t again. How does it make you feel? What does it make you think and with what do you associate it with?
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
      among other teachers taught me

      not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
      for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.

    6. #6
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      Fair point. But some people are racist and therefor that common and long term association between jews and money lending is established. It does not mean that it is true. It does not mean that its an accurate picture. For some people jews will symbolise a lack of generosity. Thats a FACT. Its not something that I agree with. Its just reality.

      If you can get a dreamer to talk about what is on their minds right now then its very likely that they are going to be quoting at you the exact meaning of any given dream. Dreams are where we form emotions and particularly new emotions. The problem is that often there is no easy clues and no people who link directly to the issue that the dream is about. But with experience and some knowledge aboiut how dreams use symbolism you maybe able to understand many dreams. Try the following dream dictionary to help you crack your dream.

      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dreamessay.html THE DREAM DICTIONARY

    7. #7
      Member Rav1's Avatar
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      When I was in NYC I worked in a Jewih Synagog. The boss , of course he was a Jew, was very friendly to me. I did some cleaning job, putting everything in order, books on the shelves and so on...
      But when my visa was over I had to go back to my country, Poland. So I told him I gonna be back the next year, he was a kind of disappointed, because he thought I had flown to NYC to live there for ever. Actually it wouldn't be so bad. But I got also my family in Poland and ... I don't know.

      Maybe in this dream he was trying to tell me that I should fly back and continue to work for him?

      Of course it was only a dream, but how knows, is it a message hidden in it?
      I'm tired being sorry.

    8. #8
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      Well in some senses you may say that the link between jews and money lending and penny pinching is racist. But that is not relevant and is actually ignoring the facts. The jews were for many centuries persecuted as the killers of christ. In many european countries they were isolated and restricted from entering certain professions(the law). Because of that they had few opportunities. One opportunity left open to them was money lending and this is where the negative feelings towards jews started.

      But really symbolism is very much a personal thing. All you can do is offer possible symbolic meanings and hope that they make sense. Take the eagle for instance. That links to strength and power and is the symbol of the united states. For some people it would be associated with freedom and democracy and all things good. Yet other people would make other associations. Many people view the United states in a negative fashion so it may be linkd to an empire out of control. Both associations are valid because they are associations that people make.

      The dreammind uses archetypes. Jung discovered these. Actually a more understandable meaning is that of stereotypes. In such ways any stereotype maybe used. The dreammind is not necessarily agreeing with that stereotype yet it is using it for personal rasons. the jew maybe then associated with a situation within the dreamers own life. It shows that the jewish stereotype is linked to a situation involving meanness.

      Actually I come from Yorskshire in England. That along with the jewish religion and along also with scotland is associated with meanness and penny pinching. Its an association that I know exists and it does not really bother me at all.

      But to think along lines of political correctness in understanding dreams is simply wrong. The unconscious mind is going to use any association that it feels captures its feelings. It has no conscious and simply doesn't care about prejudices. The dreammind loves these stereotypes because our emotions think with broad strokes. One day we will think of someone as being deeply generous and kind hearted. But then the next day we switch our views and think of the same person in negative ways. Stereotypes though deeply wrong are the language of the mind.

      In truth the dream may actually be saying that the dreamer is recognising the self same stereotyped qualities of jewishness within himself. He is maybe seeing a tendency towards meanness.

      Dreams use symbols. In real life you will say something like "I need to be recognised and accepted. I just seem to constantly fighting against peopel who do not respect me in the way that they should". yet a dream will also express such a concept but in symbolic form. You maybe fighting in the dream. That symbolises the struggle in your life.

      Also remember that the day before the dream is especially important in the dream. Many dreams link top specific feelings that we felt yesterday as we reform our emotions.

      These pages are especially helpful in showing you how to interpret dreams

      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...yhowtopost.html Interpreting dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2...ssayhowto.html Triggers for dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dreamessay.html Dream dictionary

    9. #9
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      Well interpreting dreams is always made easier with some background knowledge. Its impossible to interpret a dream without knowing the person or thoughts going through their heads.

      If you worked for a jewish synagogue then its probably definitely linked to that. The dream signifies how you keep thinking about this job in NYC.

      Often we may dream or previous jobs and places in ouyr lives. This is because whilst we go through life we are always comparing and contrasting our lives now to our lives previously. Has our life improved or got worse?

      Its difficult to understand the exact meaning. But most dreams will not really have a secret hidden message. The feelings that they link to you will be quite well aare of. Do you want to return to NYC? Is it a job you enjoyed?

      By the end of the day we are tired and exhausted. Thats generally because of how the mind is organised. We store up memories in short term memory blocks. Its only at night that we start to work through what has just happened the previous day. We reform our emotions and transfer the important bits iof information into long term memory. Then we clear the short term memory blocks ready for the day ahead and the whole process starts again. So obviously there is a strong connection between the previous day and dreams. Look for the thoughts dominating your previous day. They will probably link to your dream.

      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...yhowtopost.html Interpreting dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2...ssayhowto.html Triggers for dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dreamessay.html Dream dictionary

    10. #10
      actually the next Bruce Naruto1435's Avatar
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      I have no idea but when I saw the subject title I thought of the book 'Once'.
      BFMV, FTW.
      Alesana = to die for.


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