• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Most of my dreams are simply boring, like movies, but this one was different.

      I was in my school, a sixth grader. During the dream, I felt many things going on inside of me, the strongest feeling was an overwhelming feeling that I "must not go downstairs no matter what". I went around exploring the rooms,talking to my old sixth grade friends. Occasionally participating in one of the classes and leaving because it got boring, and the teacher didnt care when i came or left. I felt very happy, but on the very insidei had a bulky feeling of restriction, like something wierd was going on. The dream was very detailed. At that moment, I became lucid. But I decided to go with the flow of the dream, because it was the best dream i'e had in a while. The Cafeteria in the school was made bigger since i left the school, and i wanted to see if there was a difference in the dream. But I still had the overwhelming feeling of not to go downstairs. I saw a buch of people going up and down the stairs, more than usual.I had the feeling that i should participate even though i still fwlt like going downstairs will bring great pain. But I went. As soon as a went downstairs, everything was in ruins. The walls were intact, but the wallpaper on the walls was ripped off, in some places the boards or even the insulation of the walls were showing, it seemed as if the school was hundreds o years old, and it was abandoned. tyhe hundreds of people i previosly saw were no longer there. Without thinking, I went back upstairs, but the upstairs was in ruins also. I had a feeling that can only be described as the feeling that you get when you go from a good dream to a nightmare, and i felt my dream ending at the same time, I ran downstairs again to see the cafeteria. On the run there, I felt as if i was being watched over by a spirtit that wanted to make me miserable, even though i was awestruck by the amazing detail of the ruins of the school. I had to see the cafeteria though. When i looked, it WAS expanded, even though it wasnt in the sixth grade.

      This was the most detailed dream I have had in a while. Even though it felt as if i was in a nightmare, i was still happy at the amazing detail. happy at knowing that i would never see anything so beautiful ever except in my dreams, and it was a ruined building. The feeling o being extremely happy and extremely bulked down by outside forces i couldnt and still cant describe was amazing. and i want an interpretation for it.

    2. #2
      Member Rav1's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      After years we see how inmature the time was in the primary school. Funny things at the time now seem boring and unimportant. We were such freaky kids writing insults on the blackboards. The past is the past, why dwell on it?
      I'm tired being sorry.


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