• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      The dream begins with myself boarding a bus with my older sister and mother. As we enter i leave them and seat myself with some other family. I resemble these people in appearance more so then my family. Believing i am one of thier own, they wish to look through my belongings. I don't let them because the information would give away my real identity. So I pull out a blank note pad a began scrawling down notes and that appeased them. All the while my actual family is actively searching me out. The bus expanded into a large room and eventually into a large church, the seats into pews. There were more people, and a pastor. She offered prayers to all the parisioners. My family was much closer to finding me and i watched they're every move until they found me. And they did and i was very happy. My sister seemed to have woken up out of a daze, and said to the pastor "I think we've missed something, can you pray for us again?" The pastor prays again and we accept the prayer. Next i find myself in a house, which looks like something out of a horror film. The walls have scratches all over them, which look to have been made by chainsaws. I know that I am in the midst of an apparition, or a senerio that has already been played out. I find my way into the kitchen and find two bloody chainsaws. I am not frienghtened, in my mind i know this event has already occured. Suddenly i hear screams, loud male screams. There is a young man there in his late teens - early 20's. His legs cut off at the shines, then i find his father also with the legs cut at the shines. Yet the father is holding himself up with crutches. I try to get some help, i call 911 but it wont work... Obviously... I can communicate with the injured people but police and firemen do not respond. I see there are firemen outside, i run to them but it's the same problem as before.(will i ever learn?) So i run back into the house to find both father and son with thier wounds healed. They said that they were rushed to hospital, and they showed me the scars from that event. I didn't ask about the circumstances surrounding that traumatic event. At this point in time i can interact everyone. They welcome me into their family. Soon the mother shows up and other members of the household. She askes if i am her sons significant other (reason being, i am all over this guy like white on rice, no idea why)... i don't reply, because i don't know.. soon i am thrown into a flashback which plays out like a movie montage.. I see a little boy about 7 or 8 years old, dressed in a black suit and white colar. He is extremely excited, it seems he is entering into his right of passage which includes receiving $500 cash. He makes his way to an extremely tall man, dressed in almost the same fashion. The child exclaims " I have $500, and you know how to invest it. Will you instruct me?" The man replies in a happy yet serious manner " Will you follow my intsructions to the letter, no matter what the circumstance?" "yes" replied the boy. As the man begins to speak again a female voice can be heard in the background and the montage begins. "The boy did as instructed and built a multibillion dollar robotics empire. As the flagship product is launched an unforseen error is revealed. The product fails to work and he sustains a major loss. Unabaited, he begins again with a new company and releases entertainment animatronics with prolonged success." (word for word naration) Though he did produce one adult entertainment android. One that would take my on figure and replace me (weird). I find myself back in the house. And i begin to walk around, just scoping out rooms i haven't seen. Then i see the son and I am somewhat affectionate towards him but he does not respond (I can't take a hint, hehe). I see another person with his back turned to me, and i rest my head on his back. Then I see his significiant other and so i push off. When i pull my face away i see that it is covered in dirt and i can't wipe it off. Then I see the "droid" ( made in my likeness but much "hotter") and the son seeking eachother out. So here i am dirty and fading away and the dream ends. That is one crazy dream... Any guesses? Thanks. Sorry for the length.

    2. #2
      Member Rav1's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      This sounds like a long story cut off from your diaries rather than a dream.
      Try to cull from it the strangest pictures or the most uncommon... I.e. when you run by bus daily to the school in the waking life, there probably will be little importance that you were in a bus in the dream.
      I'm tired being sorry.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jul 2006
      Wow that's pretty long and intense how can you remember that much detail? anyhow It seems like maybe you should re-evaluate any inner issues with acceptance especially among family that's the biggest thing I can draw out of this huge and confusing story. You're mind is all over the place thats for sure.


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