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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2006
      Hello everyone,
      I'm almost 17 years old and about 2 months ago I got a part time job at a large supermarket/hardware store in the sports department. I'm in my senior year of High School and work about 25h/week (which I find to be too much on top of school). Lately I've been having a lot of dreams where I've been at work in a violent situation:

      Before I describe these dream I should probably provide some background information. The store general manager is quite an uptight person. When I, and other co-workers ask for time off he lectures us on how work is important and we have to be committed to it. I feel that I've been working too much and that I have to focus on school, and am currently contemplating quitting. The work itself isn't bad, and I love all my co-workers, but I have to focus on my marks in this last year of high school to get into the program that I want to get into (Engineering).

      War At Work:
      I was doing my usual duties of stocking when a co-worker of mine told me that Germany was going to invade in three hours. The one side of the store with the auto department became the border with Germany. There was a big countdown clock on the wall with windows where I could see tunnels into Germany. Being of Polish decent, the store suddently became my home country of Poland, and I knew we were going to be obliterated. As the time ticked away I was informed that the United States was not going to help and that we were going to be on our own. I was in the middle of the store talking with co-workers when the Germans started firing mortars. Me and my co-workers decided to check out the border so we ran to the wall at the border where we were met with a barrage of bullets. We quickly hid behind an aisle wall. This is where I became very scared for my life. I spotted a stairway and ran down it and ended up in my school's library. This is where I realized that World War II already happened and that I must be dreaming. I instantly woke up.

      Fight With Boss:
      The dream starts off with me stocking at work. I heard a page for me to see the manager's office. I immediately went to his office. As I approached his office I heard him yelling and I knew he was with some other women. When he opened the door I could smell alcohol and I knew that he was drunk. There were some attractive looking young women in his office. When I saw him (especially in the state that he was) I became very angry with him. He tells me that he wants to fight me. We were in the aisle where the axes, shovels, rakes, etc were. He pulled out a knife, so I picked up an axe, and then he took another axe off the rack. We started hitting eachother with these axes. As I hit him there was no effect. No blood, nothing. A sense of hopelessness overcame me as my axe was dull and I had nothing to fight him with. He slashed the top of my head and I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling as the blood flowed out of my head. I died. I was then in another part of the store. The atmosphere was very dark and hellish like. I saw lit matches all over the ground. As I looked at the rack with the oils I saw a lit match on the floor underneath a jug of oil. The wall of oil exploded. I quickly ran into the door to the warehouse and I was on a platform of a large sewer. I saw my manager laughing away on a small boat with a lot of money.

      I have a couple theories on why I have had this recurring theme of violence at work. I think even though the job isn't bad itself, I feel it's killing me; It's robbing me of my years of youth. I would like the money so I can spend my summer travelling, but I already have enough and am just saving for school now so I don't have to take as much in loans. I also feel that it's affecting my school studies. I often don't do my homework. Even though I do relatively well in school without studying/homework I feel in this last year that I'm not doing my best.

      Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
      mongreloctopus's adoptee!

    2. #2
      Member Rav1's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2006
      A work certainly doesn't rob your youth, but an excess if it can be harmful - as every excess.
      You probably feel being cheated / overexploited by the boss in the waking life... (in the dream he escapes with cash laughing at you).
      Seems like the pressure is too much for you. Change the job if you can.
      I'm tired being sorry.


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