I haven't had this dream for a few years now but, when i did have it i used to have it several times and night and almost every night. In this dream I'm usually with my mam and it is just me and her (i have quite a large family).i am very young in the dream, about 10 or 12. These dreams are not long at all really, after a short time in the dream i end up being left by my self on the floor cry (i know not very man like lol). These dreams always involve my mam leaving me but not wanting to. Here is an example, i am at a metro station (yes im from Newcastle) it is the station next to my house and im buying a ticket and my mam is waiting on the metro which is about to leave and she has some bags with her, she is trying to get me on the metro but it leaves with her on it and me left on the station. The dreams usually have some sort of vehicle like a plane, car, train ect. Now when i was about 8 or somewhere around that age, my parents got a divorce for reasons i will keep privet. I cant remember whether i had these dreams before or after the divorce but it is more than likely after. I had these for a long time and i think it could be to do with me not wanting to let go or something. Could it mean that i haven't really got over the divorce, because at the time it didn't seem to affect me from what i thought but maby subconsciously it did. I don't really have anything in common with my mam and usually find it hard to talk to her but i don't know why because shes not a bad mother. Anyway any ideas what it could mean?? thanks for reading, peace!