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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2007

      Question rescued by "Great White Prince"?? fairytale?

      My dream starts out with me knowing that I am in Pennsylvania with my boyfriend and his family after Christmas. As you know, it's quite cold up there, especially that time of the year. Well, for some reason I am running around in a gown that looks somewhat like this (I had to find one for you because I wasn't sure how to describe it):

      Only it was a very pale blue. I was running away, through a city. It appeared as if I had been transported back in time, to what I knew were early colonial days. Early enough that I KNEW there shouldn't be as many people in Pennsylvania as there were (I'm still located there in the dream). I make it to a river and there is a small dock that will rent skiffs to people there (http://www.woodenboat.org/festival/G...Dory-Skiff.jpg). However, there isn't anyone running the place, so I hop into the skiff and start rowing myself across this somewhat bumpy (not very) river. On the other side I enter some cavern in the boat and stay inside the boat until the sides get too skinny and I have to get out and walk. The icy cold water is up to my knees now and I am traipsing along, trying to hide or get away from something. I reach the end of the cavern which seems to come out into the light, in a lightly wooded area.

      Once I reach this place, I stay where I am for a bit, then I hear the sound of a horse approaching. I crouch down and try to remain quiet as I see both horse and rider now. The horse is a huge white animal, with whited out eyes. The man is dressed in the style of the time (think around 1620), wearing white trousers, white boots, a bright blue coat with gold buttons and other gold detailing. His hair is blond and very long, past his shoulders. It appears somewhat curly and a bit damp...maybe even wet. His eyes are whited out as well. This frightens me and I cower down where I am at in the water. By this time I am very dirty, covered in leaves and other manner of river junk, and soaked to the skin. I am aware that this person is known as the "Great White Prince" and I am both frightened and in awe. Not frightened in a way that I fear my life, but frightened by the power I now this person has.

      Then, he sees me. I am holding onto a branch or something, trying to remain hidden, but once he and the horse spot me, I freeze. He moves closer. His location is up on a ledge in the woods a bit, higher up than where I am. (The following dialog is exact.) When he sees me his eyes turn from the frightening white to a deep blue. He reaches out his hand and says, "Let us go." I say, "I must get back. There is a wedding." He reaches down again for my hand and I finally reach up to grab his. He says, "Child, come with me." The man pulls me up out of the dirty water and onto his horse. I feel completely safe and protected, not frightened at all now.


      What this means to me: It seems very clear to me that there are spiritual implications that go along with the "prince" figure. I am a Christian and I could definitely him being a representation of God.

      Any other thoughts?
      Last edited by Lizabeth; 10-13-2007 at 04:31 PM.


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