Strange as it seems let me say that crazy bizarre dreams like this are normal for me almost nightly. But often I can make some sense of them. With this one I have no clue.
I was driving through what seemed like Swiss country roads to somebody's house. There were one or two people with me but I don't remember who they were. I don't know who the people were I was going to see but there were quite a few of them and they were older people. I knew them in the dream but I don't think very well. I was planning to take this whole group out for a nice lunch at 3 pm I remember. I think it was supposed to be somewhere fancy with a buffet. When I showed up I had 4 cakes with me. Two smaller and two larger, I think two round and two rectangular. I put them in the refrigerator I think. When I got there my dad was there.

We were all sitting in the living room of these people's house talking. I seem to remember people coming and going the whole time. I wanted everyone to hurry up and go because we had the lunch at 3pm. But for some reason they just didn't, people just kept delaying. I had rushed to get there but nobody seemed motivated. Then at one point my dad did something really weird with one of the large rectangular cakes. This cake had a picture in the icing (Kuchenglasur / Zuckerguss). I'm not sure if you've seen that before but they can make cakes with almost photo realistic pictures in the icing. Anyway this cake had a picture of a water scene of some sort, maybe even the beech. For some reason I or we thought it should have mountains instead (I dunno maybe has something to do with Switzerland). So my dad put his hands in the icing on the cake and started swirling it around, the colors and everything, and like magic the scene changed to be of mountains. He just sorted of moved the colors around with his hands repainted it right there. I had a very close up view of this and it was very surreal (unwirklich). The was one part of the new picture that had a small tunnel and you could look through it and see something on the other side. My dad kept shifting everything around and asking me if the view through the tunnel looked right/realistic.

Somewhere around this point in time I remember an ex-girlfriend being there and I was holding her hand. This was a real life girlfriend from about 5 years ago. There was also another girl there but I'm not sure who she was supposed to be exactly, perhaps current girlfriend or someone else. I just remember she was attractive and blond (like current girlfriend) but didn't resemble my current girlfriend otherwise in the dream (too short, different look). I remember the situation (in the dream) being awkward but there was no fight or significant words exchanged that I can remember.

After all of that finally somebody suggested let's go to lunch. It was 4:30 pm by the that time and I said that it was too late, we couldn't go because the lunch was at 3:00. That's all I really remember.

There was another small thing that might have been another dream. Something about a group of houses close together that all look the same. I had a key to one of them and I was supposed to go in and meet somebody or something like that but my key fit the wrong house. And the family that lived there came home and it was very awkward. It happened twice I think. I couldn't explain how I came to have a key to the wrong house or what I was doing there inside this family's house only that I had confused it with the house two or three doors down from it.