Info about me:

Female, just lost my Mother (3 weeks ago) to cancer. My dear friend and co-worker just lost his mom one week ago and I attended her service last night. So i have had death on my mind but am doing better with my grief and starting to be able to focus on my job and family and daily activities. I'm not a 100% yet but doing better. Most of my concerns are my Dad and his new life. ( I am an only child.if that matters) and I am concerned about the job I have had for 16 years. The owners are starting to split and possiby sell the company, maybe downsize. Not sure, but a decision is in the works and we will know something soon. I hope this is enough info about me to help you with your interpretation (I hope its not too much, if so, I m sorry).

My dream:

I dreamt my Mother and I were in a house looking through a big window, up on a hill was an apartment type building with flames coming out the window (I did watch the fire scene from "You,me and Dupree" yesterday) this fireman/police guy comes barging in. He had a huge rifle. He needed to use our house due to a shoot out and wanted to use the window to shoot out of.
I was worried about my mom because she was in front of the window and i was down on the ground trying to get her to come down on the ground with me. I finally got her to (she was stubborn) get down. Then she was expressing how she was scared to die and I told her not to worry that it was ok. Then she asked if I would die with her and I told her I would. Then I dont know how this scene evolved but, I was sitting on a couch with a high school friend who was killed in a car wreck (22 years ago). We never talked, I was just admiring how pretty she was and that was it.

I know I have vivid crazy dreams, but any ideas?

Thanks so much for any input.
