I am hoping someone can help interpret this dream. It was very bizarre and felt so real.
The dream starts at a hotel at a beach. I was there with my husband and his friend. They were getting ready to go on a boat for work (which is weird because they do not work together). After we finished eating at a restaurant they proceeded to get on the boat. A few hours after they left, I heard there was a horrible accident. The boat sank and they were searching for survivors. My heart sank and I was in a state of panic. I ran outside to look at the water. I looked at the pool and this sudden urge came over me to jump in the pool. I ran towards the pool and jumped in fully clothed. I was still terribly upset but swimming underwater helped me to feel better. Then I saw the search party return. I got out the water and stood there as survivors walked by. I saw my husband run towards me. I was soaking wet and he ran up and put his arms around me and said “I thought I was never going to see you again”. As he hugged me I stood motionless as he wept but never returned the hug. I only kept thinking why do I not see his friend. I was more upset that I did not see him so I had to ask. He said he was gone and I silently started crying as he was still hugging me realizing that I was in love with his friend