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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jul 2008

      Got my tongue pierced/School Dream???

      Hi! Well, this is my second post and THIS time, its a dream that I had last night. Actually, I had two dreams last night. Since both dreams stuck in my mind throughout the whole day and I remembered all the details of it, I decided to post it on here before I forgot it to see if it meant anything.

      Alright, the first dream was about my tongue. I remember being at a close friend of mine's house and I decided to pierce my tongue there in the bathroom.[I also pierced my nose, but i took it out later] As I pierced my tongue and nose, I didn't feel any pain when I did it.Then all of the sudden I remember feeling very guilty because my parents didn't know I peirced my tongue and I knew they wouldn't approve of it either. I specifically remember walking into a house [I don't remember if it was my house] and my parents were there. As I would talk to them, I would try to hide the fact that my tongue was pierced. After a while of talking to them, they noticed it and were more worried than mad. They said I could have pierced a vain and bled to death and just went on and on about my safety. I don't remember ever taking my tongue piercing out. That is the most I can remember from that dream. Hope i provided enough information for you guys!

      Now, my second dream was about school. Since the first day of school is near for me, I guess I probably had this dream because of anxiety, but I thought I should post it anyway just in case there might be more to it. [Who knows?] Ok, so I remember walking inside the school building and staring down the hallway. The hallway was full of people and they were all rushing to be somewhere. I became worried because I didn't know where I had to be..I also didn't know where my locker was and it seemed like the school had re-arranged the lockers. I had a schedule but suddenly forgot where all the rooms where located. I remember frantically running around to find the office for them to help me. Once I got inside the office, I asked for help and to my surprise, they said no! They argued "Their not 'allowed' to help me" and I remember holding back tears and walking out of the office unsure of what to do. I then remember walking out onto the lawn, and then looking at my schedule. I then walked back into the building trying to find the room I had class in at that time. I never found it, and then I woke up.

      SO! Those are my two dreams. I hope I provided as much information as you need in order to help you interpret them! Thanks

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      Lol, I must have pretty weird dreams if NO ONE on here can interpret them.

    3. #3
      Snoozer Chameleon's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      In Hibernation
      Hi FC

      I think you are correct with the school dream being based on anxiety. I occasionally have similar dreams - even though I left school donkeys years ago! I arrive in school raring to go and realise I don't know what lesson I'm meant to have or even which classroom I should be in. I don't even recognise the school sometimes!

      As for the tongue dream, that is rather more unusual and interesting.

      I haven't got an answer, but I did have a few thoughts as I read your account.

      The tongue might represent communication, seeing as we use it to talk. Have you had any issues lately with communication – perhaps an instance where your parents have been worried about something you said? Maybe you have opposing opinions to your parents? Have you spoken “out of turn”?

      Another thought is that the tongue might represent taste. Not necessarily food taste (it’s rarely that literal, although you shouldn’t rule this out), but for example, taste in music. Have you recently got into a type of music that your parents disapprove of? Or maybe a political leaning?

      Not much there I'm afraid.

      What does "tongue" mean to you? That might give you a better understanding.

      Good luck!

      Dream a little dream with me

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      Thanks for your reply! I think I have a better understanding why I had that dream now. :]

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Aug 2008
      The first dream is a warning that there is something you will have the possibility of getting involved in, that at the time will seem painless but is actually quite dangerous and could cause you alot of harm. When this situation occurs, follow your conscience which will protect you.(you can change your future)

      The second dream is showing you that you are going through a time where you have lots of questions and perhaps feel confused and lost and some of the people who you thought would be able to help you aren't able to.

      let me know if that helps?

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      Oooh, I've never looked at the first dream in that way before. It's very helpful to have your opnion!! Thanks, it does help a lot!


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