Hi everyone, I just registered recently and this is my first thread and I would like if anyone could interpret this dream. I will try to put down as much detail as I can remember.

I remember sitting down in some kind of large hall on seats which look similar to pews in a church. The hall was filled with them on the left side and right side and had an isle in the middle so people could walk down and choose a place to sit. There were people already sitting in these pews, and I remember sitting on the edge of one of these pews and across the other side of the pews was a woman there with a baby and asked me to hold it. I somehow already have the baby in my arms. Its head was resting on my right shoulder and at this point my emotions were really happy, I also had a smile on my face and thought along these lines "that this is the greatest gift you could have".

In front of all the pews was like a stage which had one of those large LCD televisions going across so like 3 LCD televisions going across and it was showing a really old show of some sort because the quality was as if it was an old film with scratches and dirt. Felt as if it was like 1940's because it looked really old. I don't remember what my feelings were at that time but it felt as if I was just observing what was being showed on the screens.

I also remember seeing David Letterman in the isle standing up while the screen was showing. He had one of those smiles when you start talking about something that's funny. I don't remember my emotions at that time.

ps. I live in Australia, Sydney and I use to watch the David Letterman show but not for a long time now.