• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2006

      Feared of being taken by Cops


      Today, EARLY MORNING... I got a rather silly but disturbing dream.

      I am seeing myself rushing up everyone in my house, my father, my kins to get out of the house quickly because I was fearing that something wrong has happened (I have no idea at all what is that) and the cops are going to come shortly to take all of us. If I could sense, it might be about fear of going bankrupt .... I am not sure...

      I saw lot of people standing in front of our door near to a shop and peeking curiously at our house. I shut the door with caution and started pushing everyone to move quickly out of the house.

      There is a saying in our country that the dreams seen during early mornings or dawn will come true. I dont know what does this all mean? Can some one help interpret this? FYI... Am 27, male, single.


    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      There is a big diference between the fear of something happening and it actually happening. So if you have been actually been woriied about bankruptcy then it could could easily trigger a dream. Dreams play out worst possible scenarios. Try not to worry. Not sure about this premonitions business. I believe in them but not sure anyone has ever done a study about when they were in the nighttime

      But I would wait till it actually happens before worrying too much.. though I am sure that will not stop you

      When you get a dream think carefully about which direction you are currently looking. Are you looking back towards yesterday and something that happened and how you reacted. Or are you looking forward to the day to come. If you are looking forward then its likely the dream is about some thoughts or fears about the day to come.
      These pages are especially helpful in showing you how to interpret dreams
      http://www.unclesirbobby.org.uk/dreamessayhowtopost.php Interpreting dreams
      http://www.unclesirbobby.org.uk/dreamessayhowto.php Triggers for dreams
      http://www.unclesirbobby.org.uk/dreamessay.php Dream dictionary


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