Now I can't remember much of this dream so bear with me.

I was asleep in my room when I heard this ruckus and a group of men - they looked like the men in black or something - came into my house and started hurting my family. I got up out of bed and pulled on some shorts and sneakers and then I ran out of the house and down the street and just kept running , not really caring where I went. Now I don't remember a lot of this dream but I remember the running part well. I felt free and happy. I also seemed to be running very fast.
I eventually made it to this mansion and just walked in. No one seemed to mind I was there and everyone just carried on with their own daily routines. They were a rich, Asian family and seemed happy I was there. Then shortly after, the men who had came to my house earlier came here and I just ran away again.

Does anyone here know what this dream could symbolize?