I had a very weird (but interesting) dream last night and I'm wondering if anybody could tell me what, on a whole, it meant. I know that I had a dream before this on the same night that may have been a part of this one but I can only remember flashes of it.

About me: I'm a seventeen year old sixth-former, I have been ill lately and going back-and-forth from the doctors and I have been arguing with "the family"... If you need any other information, message me.

At the beginning I was at a local train station with my mother, taking a 'driving test' on a computer. Somehow, just by blindly guessing the answers I passed and got my drivers licence. The whole time I was scared that my friend Kim would find out and be mad at me (we have both said that we don't see the point in learning to drive as we live in London). I was also weirded out by how easy it was.

So we walk out of the station and a really creepy man outside asks us if we would buy him a pencil and a sharpener from Woolworths and my mum agrees. So we walk to the local high street (about five minutes away, all downhill) and I am barefoot and in pain ( this happens a lot in my dreams).

We get to the high street and I see myself in a shop window. I'm wearing a huge yellow t-shirt and shorts, I've gained a shed-load of weight, I'm wearing 'bad' make-up and my hair is short (and unflattering). I keep saying "this isn't what I look like" to the creepy guy as we walk and eventually we come to a clothes shop. At this point the guy is gone, replaced by my dad.

We go into the shop and I see a guy that I seem to know, he has to repeat to me, over and over, that he finishes work at five and do I want to go out with him after but I can't answer. We kiss and I am suddenly very dizzy. He disappears and I start browsing the clothes. There are two women there, both foreign laughing in the underwear section saying "people can't really wear this" I really want to buy something but, embarrassed can't. So I pretend to look at the 'teen' clothes. Now I look like my normal self and am wearing very 'trendy' clothes, but still barefoot so I go over to the shoe section and try to find some shoes. I can find none in my size so I go further into the shop, where it becomes dark, with a concrete floor. I look for shoes but can't see any. I hear screaming and see blood on the walls but ignore it and go back into the main part of the shop. I try to find some shoes but a shop assistant tells me that I had trespassed into a closed part of the shop and embarrassed, I leave the shop.

When I get outside my friends circle me, telling me that we need to finish shopping and they have been looking everywhere for me. We walk into a concrete part of the roadway. As we walk they all disappear and someone runs into me on a bicycle. She is furious with me for this and I see that she is someone I know from college. She and a group of others begin to chase me but overtake me, my feet are killing me at this point, but I still feel as though they are chasing me. One of them (a girl that likes to mess with my head at college) stops her bike and goes onto a dusty gravel square, by a car park. Screaming and crying she begins to wrap stones from the floor in muslin and throw them at me, she keeps missing. I am crying and screaming but there is nobody there (though in real life that area is usually full). I believe that she will kill me.

Suddenly we are walking to a bus stop, and she has turned into Rachel Bilson (Summer from the OC). She is still livid with me and suddenly there is a country singer next to me, singing about her as if he was me. He says (as me, looking back) that I felt I had to forgive her so I did, I kissed her on the cheek and smiled as I got on a bus.

Some information that may be important for back-story... The area my dream describes is where most of my dreams take place, near my local high-street. But the concrete roadway and gravel square don't exist. The fact that my parents are in the dream is weird... I rarely go out with them. The shop-guy is someone that I met in passing (and flirted with) a few months ago, I haven't thought of him since then and probably will never see him again. My 'attackers' are girls that I view as friends-ish but do not trust, they enjoy messing with people and have hurt alot of people that I do not like.

Any ideas? Thanks