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    1. #1
      Member Dazz's Avatar
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      Disturbed & Shocked(Help??)

      Hi all,i am new to the forum and until now I would never have registered with a dream forum but the dream I had lastnight really has me thinking,I personally think its disturbing in some ways and left me looking for answers,
      Let me start by telling you that in reality I attend a course where we have a new female tutor called "Jo"

      Ok now the dream I had,it all started by the tutor coming around for dinner and for some reason she was pregnant,anyway me,my mrs and the tutor all had dinner and my mrs told me it was getting late and it was time for me to take "Jo" the tutor home,on the way I asked the tutor in the car where abouts she lived and at that moment she broke down crying and going mental,the next thing I know its the next morning and I am parked in my car at the end of a driveway it appeared that I had slept in the drive all night,I was awaoke by 2 elderly people banging at my window shouting and screaming "what had I done with their daughter"it turned out that they were "Jo's" parents,when I told them that I got her home safely they then shockingly told me she was murdered lastnight,the night I took her home but for some reason there was a blank spot from when she went mental in the car to where I woke up at the end of her drive,did she get out and walk and was murdered by someone else or did I murder her when she went mental in the car,it really has left me with questions and in a shocked state to be honest because I have never had dreams that involve people I know,I am to attend my course tomorrow and scared that she may not be there,was it a dream or a premonition?Help!?!?!?

    2. #2
      Member Dazz's Avatar
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      I should just mention that similar things have happened to me when I am wide awake,I dont mean murdering someone lol,I mean travelling,In october I got in my car and was on my way to work,next thing I remember is waking up on my sisters sofa 30km away with no recollection of the journey after leaving my driveway so as you can imagine any explanations wo this dream would be greatly appreciated.

    3. #3
      Member Bonsay's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dazz View Post
      I should just mention that similar things have happened to me when I am wide awake,I dont mean murdering someone lol,I mean travelling,In october I got in my car and was on my way to work,next thing I remember is waking up on my sisters sofa 30km away with no recollection of the journey after leaving my driveway so as you can imagine any explanations wo this dream would be greatly appreciated.
      Sorry for appearing shocked and not addressing your first dream issue. You actually drove 30km to the wrong place where you went to sleep and woke up with no memory of what had happened or why you did it? Did you see a doctor about this?

      If we look at the whole dream interpretation thing (please note that I'm no expert), it could be that you've suppressed your "October drive experience" being afraid of what happened and it now surfaces in your dreams, being the window to your subconscious and all that. That would explain why the theme and motifs of your dream were about people going mad, something bad happening, you having a hole in your memory and being afraid that you did something. If something like that would have happened to me, I know I would be afraid of what I could do when blacking out.

      I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just giving an honest, personal theory of the info you gave me. So did you see a doctor about that 30km drive?

      Note: I don't believe in the supernatural, including dream premonitions.
      Last edited by Bonsay; 12-21-2008 at 03:03 PM.
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    4. #4
      Member Dazz's Avatar
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      I did see a doctor for the october incident and he just put it all down to stress due the loss of a family member but its happened again since but not on such a serious level ie driving only a couple of miles and not remembering the small journey in between leaving and arriving,small things like this are a regular occurence in my life.

    5. #5
      Member Bonsay's Avatar
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      I see.

      As I said above. If I tried my best at dream interpretation, that's what I'd come up with.

      If what you said is the case, then I don't think you should worry about it. It's just a dream, or a nightmare I guess. Everybody dreams crazy stuff from time to time.
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    6. #6
      Garnet garnet's Avatar
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      You might be relaxing and going into REM and then going into a lesser state of sleep due to anxiety.

      The dream message was shocking - murder rather than the death or loss of a loved one.

      A dream character which is your teacher and is also in real life. So passed the familiarity with the real life character, one must put this character in the dream world and what she meant in the dream not in waking life.

      Why did you argue with this person?

      She was pregnant too and your partner did not drive her home or come with you. You attend classes without your partner?

      Pregnancy can be a new beginning or the promises of a new beginning and you may want to kill or finish that in an argument.

      And although the character's name is obvious in the dream, dreams have a habit of puns or playing with words. "Jo" "Go" "Joe" "Joey" etc.


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