Hey guys. Im a noob here, but last night i had a weird dream, perhaps you might be able to decode it for me help me figure wtf it means....

Back story: I was living with 4 ppl from my college course and decided to move out of the house. Doing that created a rift and I havent really been friends with them since.)

Last night I had a dream where I was in the house (it was different from Real Life) and I went in and talked to one of the guys who was lying on his bed. Using a laptop I think, and eating toast. He didnt appreciate my being there and asked me what the fuck i was doing there, his head went all weird and misshapen. I ended up slapping the piece of toast he had on a plate to the floor. Next thing I knew I was out in the street. I cleaned butter off my hand. I walked up the street a bit and these three girls in a red box car pulled over because there was something wrong with their car. I kept walking and looked into the boot. It was on fire. I roared at them that their car was on fire...

Thats the jist of it anyway...kinda weird...kinda freaky so if anybody could tell me wtf it means id be greatful