Last night I dreamt that I was preparing to renew my wedding vows.
At the beginning of the dream i met a woman who told me to beware the woman in the house in October... she could tell there would be trouble by a mark on my face!
The dream the changed to me standing at the top of the stairs in a stately home, wearing a heavy white outfit. i remember thinking this isnt what i wanted to be wearing. then my husband came up halfway up the stairs wearing an ordinary suit (not the tux he should have been wearing) and the tie he was wearing on our original wedding day. his hair was all over the place and i was holding his black top hat. i started to walk down the stairs, struggling to take my wedding band and eternity rings off. I was wearing the top hat and it kept slipping off my head. I finally got the rings off and was trying to shove them into my pocket... now i am wearing jeans and a tshirt! i get to the room where the vow renewal is to take place and my mum calls me on my mobile to tell me i look lovely, but shes laughing at me in a really nasty way. i see myself in the mirror and i have no make up on, the top hat looks ridiculous and my husband is dragging me towards the lady official as if he just wants this over and done with.
Then the best man whispers in my ear that he has seen the script and my husband is going to have sex with someone else.
The ceremony ends and i see a woman dressed as a nymph in a floaty pink dress clearing the tables before we have had any food. then there seems to be a gang of kids and teenagers causing havoc in the entrance hall and an elderly lady dressed in victorian clothing grabs one of them by the ear and throws him into an elevator.
at this point i started crying and my husband woke me up....
its been a long time since i woke up crying and although this dream wasnt a gory monster filled nightmare it felt so real and very very horrible.
any comments or thoughts would be welcome