Hello. Recently, as in last night, I had an odd dream that I wrote in my DJ. The odd part is, I could only scribble little words and draw a little smiley face, but I can normally write whole sentences. The dream was a jumble of the Avatar powers, the naruto world, and a bleach sword, along with faces that probably represent the 4th hokage, and my parents, and my brother. I was fighting the fourth and my parents were lieing on the ground, most likely passed out as my brother wasnt worried and was watching the fight. I was winning btw. Also, its odd that I couldn't remember a couple parts of it, im usually good about that. Btw, it happened on my grandparents lawn, but their car wasnt in the drive way like it normally was. And, the normally gravel driveway was cement.


P.S. I had no depressents the day before. No stress, etc.